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Martin Yarnit

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User Profile


Educational innovator - prime mover in creating Adult Learners Week; led national  government programme for community learning champions; lead for education policy programme, Compass (; wrote proposal for education action zones for Labour government 1997; co-founder, Talk Shop initiative; led UK Learning City 

Developed Compass policy on local education governance and local education plans.


Regeneration; local education governance; citizen education

Recent research/consultancy: 

I  specialise in the links between lifelong learning, employment and urban regeneration. I was  a joint director of Martin Yarnit Associates with Liz Cousins. MYA was responsible for the project management of the Community Learning Champions National Support Programme funded by  Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and delivered in partnership with NIACE, WEA and unionlearn. I have  spoken at events organised by the Canadian, Australian and Catalan Governments. Other clients have  included NIACE, LSIS, regional development agencies, Government Offices, local authorities and voluntary sector organisations. I was a prime mover behind Adult Learners Week and devised a proposal for Education Action Zones that appeared in Labour’s 1997 Manifesto. Recent work has focused on devising local education governance  and lifelong learning frameworks  Married with two grown up daughters, I live in Herefordshire on the border with Wales. Publications include Advancing Opportunity: New Models of Schooling with contributions from Tim Brighouse, Richard Pring, Fiona Millar and Matthew Taylor. (Smith Institute 2009) Building Local Initiatives for Learning, Skills and Employment: Testbed learning communities reviewed (NIACE 2006) Towns, Cities and Regions in the Learning Age: a survey of learning communities (LGA 2000)

Recognitions, positions, memberships: 

Fellow of Royal Society of Arts. Director, Whitbourne Hall Community Ltd.

Selected publications: 

I have written widely about education and edited  New Models of Schooling (Smith Institute, 2007) a collection of essays calling for new practically, driven approaches to learning with contributions from Tim Brighouse, Fiona Millar and Matthew Taylor. My account of the rise and fall of the UK Learning City Network will shortly appear in the Journal of Adult Continuing Education (JACE). 

More recently I have contributed blogs to websites including the new Statesman.


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14 years 34 weeks
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