Ming Cheng
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Dr Ming Cheng is a Senior Lecturer in Education at University of East Anglia, the UK. She has over 14 years’ international experience of teaching and research in British and Chinese universities. Her previous posts include Reader in Education at the University of Wolverhampton, Lecturer at Glasgow University, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Brighton, and Teaching Fellow at Zhengzhou University in China.
Dr Ming Cheng is interested in exploring ways of improving the quality of university education, enhancing academics’ professionalism, and improving students’ learning experiences. She has published two monographs and 30 articles in the fields of internationalisation, quality enhancement, academic professionalism and postgraduate learning and supervision since 2008.
Her most recent monograph is entitled Quality in Higher Education: Developing a Virtue of Professional Practice:
• Cheng, M. (2016). Quality in Higher Education: Developing a Virtue of Professional Practice. Rotterdam: Sense.
• Cheng, M. (2009). Changing Academics: Quality Audit and its Perceived Impact. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag.
Journal articles
• Cheng, M., Andrew Friesen., & Olalekan Adekola. (accepted) Using Emotion Regulation to Cope with Challenges: A Study of Chinese Students in the United Kingdom. Cambridge Journal of Education,
• Zhong, Weici., & Cheng, M. (accepted). Key Factors to Develop Critical Thinking: Views of Chinese International Students. Higher Education Research and Development,
• Pringle Barnes, G., & Cheng, M. (accepted). Working independently on the dissertation proposal: Experiences of international Masters’ students. Journal of Further and Higher Education
• Shah, M., & Cheng, M. (accepted). Examining Student Engagement in Open Access Enabling Courses, Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning
• Cheng, M. (2017). Reclaiming quality in higher education: A human factor approach. Quality in Higher Education, 23(2): 153-167.
• Cheng, M., Osborne, M., & Kitagawa, F. (2017). The evolution of internationalisation strategy: A case study of the University of Nottingham. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 8(3): 292-308.
• Shah, M., Cheng, M., & Fitzgerald, R. (2017). Closing the loop on student feedback: The case of Australian and Scottish universities. Higher Education, 74(1): 115-129.
• Tong, K., Yuan, Q., Chen, W., & Cheng, M. (2017). Reflections on Improving the System of Supervision and Inspection of Teaching and Learning at Higher Education Institutions. Teacher Education Research, 29(5): 64-68.
• Cheng, M., Adekola, O., Shah, M., & Valyrakis, M. (2016 online). Exploring Chinese students’ experience of curriculum internationalisation: A comparative study of Scotland and Australia. Studies in Higher Education, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03075079.2016.1198894.
• Cheng, M., Taylor, J., Williams, J., & Cong, T. (2016). Student satisfaction and perceptions of quality: Testing the linkages for PhD students. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(6): 1153-1166.
• Gunn, V. & Cheng, M. (2015). Quality enhancement: Governing student learning. Higher Education Review. 47(2): 74-93.
• Cheng, M. (2014). Quality as transformation: Educational metamorphosis. Quality in Higher Education. 20(3): 272-289.
• Cheng, M. (2012). Accountability and professionalism: Contradiction in terms? Higher Education Research and Development. 31(6): 1-11.
• Cheng, M. (2011a). ‘Transforming the learner’ versus ‘passing the exam’? Understanding the gap between academic and student definitions of teaching quality. Quality in Higher Education. 17(1): 3-17.
• Cheng, M. (2011b). The perceived impact of quality audit on the work of academics. Higher Education Research and Development. 30(2): 179-191.
• Cheng, M. (2010). Audit cultures and quality assurance mechanisms in England: A case study of their perceived impact on the work of academics. Teaching in Higher Education. 15(3): 259-271.
• Cheng, M. (2009a). Academics' professionalism and quality mechanisms: Challenges and tensions. Quality in Higher Education, 15(3):193-205.
• Wisker, G., Morris, C., Warnes, M., Lilly, M., Robinson, G., Trafford, V. & Cheng, M. (2009b). Doctoral learning journeys: supporting and enhancing doctoral students' research and related skills development through research evidence-based practices. Assessment, Learning & Teaching Journal 5: 19-22.
• Macfarlane, B. and Cheng, M. (2008). Communism, universalism and disinterestedness: re-examining contemporary support among academics for Merton’s scientific norms. Journal of Academic Ethics 6(1): 67-78.
Book chapters
• Osborne, M., Duke, C., Kitigawa, F., & Cheng, M. (2014). The internationalisation strategy of the University of Nottingham (UK) and the establishment of campuses in Asia. In: Study on Innovation in Higher Education: Annexes. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, pp. 2-22.
• Cheng, M. (2013). Professionalising teaching identity and teaching ‘excellence’ schemes. In Gornall, et al (eds). Academic Working Lives: Experience, Practice and Change. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 162-169.
Published reports
• Cheng, M., Barnes, G. P., Edwards, C., Valyrakis, M., Corduneanu, R., & Koukou, M. (2015a). Transition Skills and Strategies: Transition Models and how Students Experience Change. Glasgow: QAA. Retrieved at: http://enhancementthemes.ac.uk/enhancement-themes/current-enhancement-th...
• Cheng, M., Barnes, G. P., Edwards, C., Valyrakis, M., & Corduneanu, R. (2015b). Transition Skills and Strategies: Key Transition Skills. Glasgow: QAA. Retrieved at: http://enhancementthemes.ac.uk/enhancement-themes/current-enhancement-th...
• Cheng, M., Barnes, G. P., Edwards, C., Valyrakis, M., & Corduneanu, R. (2015c). Transition Skills and Strategies: Key Transition Skills at the Different Transition Points. Glasgow: QAA. Retrieved at: http://enhancementthemes.ac.uk/enhancement-themes/current-enhancement-th...
• Cheng, M., Barnes, G. P., Edwards, C., Valyrakis, M., & Corduneanu, R. (2015d). Transition Skills and Strategies: Critical Self-Reflection. Glasgow: QAA. Retrieved at: http://enhancementthemes.ac.uk/enhancement-themes/current-enhancement-th...
• Cheng, M., Barnes, G. P., Edwards, C., Valyrakis, M., & Corduneanu, R. (2015e). Transition Skills and Strategies: Self-Efficacy. Glasgow: QAA. Retrieved at: http://enhancementthemes.ac.uk/enhancement-themes/current-enhancement-th...
• Wisker, G., Morris, C., Cheng, M., Masika, R., Warnes, M., Trafford, V., Robinson, G, Lilly, J. (2010). Doctoral Learning Journeys. Retrieved at: https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/ntfs/Projects/Doctoral_Lear...
International newspaper articles
• Cheng, M. (17 Feb 2017). Against a managerialist approach to higher education. University World News. http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20170216075035683&q...
• Cheng, M. (2 Dec 2016). Why curriculum internationalisation isn’t working. University World News. Retrieved from: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20161129230920680
Recent invited speech & selected conference presentation
• Cheng, M. (2018). Chinese students in the UK: Experiences of curriculum internationalisation and intercultural awareness. Keynote speech for Chinese Educational Research Association. 14-15 June 2018.
• Cheng, M. (2018). Writing your PhD into monographs and disseminating your research through non-traditional writing. BERA-BAICE Writing for Publications Workshop, held at King’s College London. 2 March 2018.
• Cheng, M. (2017). The Perceived Effect of Intercultural Awareness on Peer Interaction: A Study of a British University. European Educational Research Association Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, 22-25 August 2017.
• Cheng, M. & Linghui Tian (2017). Assessment Design in Deep Teaching: A Key to Effective Deep Learning. Chinese Higher Education Development Network. Shanghai, China, 7-9 July 2017.
• Cheng, M. (2017). Quality in Higher Education: Developing a Virtue of Professional Practice. Fudan University, China, 30 March 2017.
• Cheng, M. (2016). Exploring Chinese Students’ Experience of Curriculum Internationalisation: A Comparative Study of Scotland and Australia. European Educational Research Association Conference. Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 August 2016.
• Cheng, M., Kitagawa, F., Osborne, M., & Duke, C. (2015). Internationalisation as University Business Model Innovation: A Case Study of the University of Nottingham. Consortium of Higher Education Researcher (CHER). Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 September 2015.
• Cheng, M., Kitagawa, F., Osborne, M. Duke, C. (2015). Exploring the Engagement of Transnational University with Local Communities: A Study of the University of Nottingham. PASCAL conference. Catania, Italy. 7-9 October 2015.
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