Mireille Pouget
User Profile
- 1999-2006: Development Officer, Wider Access & Social Inclusion, University of Stirling
- Current: Educational Research Consultant & Visiting Academic, University of Stirling
Adult education and lifelong learning
Recognition and validation of prior experiential learning (or APEL)
Community regeneration and learning regions
European policies on lifelong learning
Project Management
Recent research/consultancy:
- Workshop “A Learning City: Toulouse’s Future? The role of the council and its employees” to train team of researchers for European project: Lilara (Learning in Local and Regional Authorities):
- Main speaker at seminar for academic staff, assessors and Estonian Ministry of Education officials on the “development of common principles of APEL”, Tartu & Tallinn
- 2005-07: Main speaker and workshop leader at various EULLearN seminars on APEL (European Universities Lifelong Learning Network), Estonia, France, Italy. Author in project book.
- 2001-04: European ALPINE project, (Adult Learning and Participating in Education, increasing adult education in European universities): thematic workgroup leader, co-editor of book, dissemination conference host.
- 2003-2005 Management role in European VaLEx project (Valuing Learning from Experience): action research project on the Recognition of prior (Informal) Learning (RPL).
- June 2002: training seminars for CEPROFS (European Training Centre for Managers of European Continuing Education Organisation) Limerick, Ireland
Recognitions, positions, memberships:
- 1971-1975: University of Provence, Aix-en-Provence,Licence-ès-Lettres (BA) in English Literature & English Linguistics
- 1979: Napier University, Edinburgh: Post Graduate Diploma in Careers Guidance
- 1994: University of Strathclyde: Teaching Qualification in Further Education (TQFE)
- 2000: Master in Education, University of Stirling (MEd)
- 2003–09: Doctorate in Education (EdD) University of Stirling: research on the processes involved in the validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE or RPL) in a French university.
- 2007- 09: Consultant on OBSERVAL European Observatory for the Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning for EUCEN (European Universities Continuing Education Network)
- 2007: Member of ADMEE-Europe (L’Association pour le Développement des Méthodologies d'Evaluation en Education en Europe) and of its working group on RPL: rapporteur for Geneva Symposium 2008
- 1999-2006: Founding member of: the Scottish Network on Access and Participation; the East of Scotland Wider Access Forum now the South East Forum
- 2003-06: Chair of CAMPUS: created region-wide partnership for school project to encourage pupils from low participation areas to consider HE.
- 2004-2006: Member of: National University Network for Asylum Seekers; Glasgow Accreditation Group for AS and Refugees
- 1985-1999 Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Community & Economic Development and Social Sciences, Lauder College (Further Education) Fife
- 1980-1985: Careers Adviser,Fife Regional Council, Education Department
Selected publications:
- Pouget, M. (2006) ‘Pedagogical and Social Aspects of APEL’ in Corradi, C., Valk, A., Van der Kamp, M. (Eds) Making LLL societies a reality: Recognition of formal, non-formal and in-formal learning in European universities. University of Tartu http://www.eullearn.net/
- Pouget, M. (2006) ‘représentations et traductions dans la validation des acquis de l’expérience en France’Proceedings of ADMEE Europe 19e Colloque, « L’évaluation au 21e siècle : vers de nouvelles formes, modélisations et pratiques de l’évaluation ? » Luxembourg, September 2006. at http://jemacs.uni.lu/index.php/JEMACS/article/viewFile/101/101 Accessed 10/09/07
- Mark, R., Pouget, M., Thomas, E. (2004) (Eds) Adult in Higher Education: learning from experience in the wider Europe. Peter Lang Pub. http://www.qub.ac.uk/alpine/ALPINE/book.htm
- Pouget, M., Osborne, M. J. (2004) 'Accreditation or validation of prior experiential learning: knowledge and savoirs in France and Britain, a different perspective?'
- Studies in Continuing Education, Vol. 26, No. 1, 45 – 65
- Pouget, M., Lawley, H. (2004) ‘Action for socially excluded - at risk of social exclusion – groups’. The ALPINE Manual of good practice. Introductory paper, case studies’. CD compilations. Tartu University Multimedia Centre. Available at http://www.qub.ac.uk/alpine/ALPINE/5_1_a.htm
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- 14 years 38 weeks
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