Paul Benneworth
User Profile
British Citizen, resident in Netherlands, working as Senior Researcher
Area of expertise: Third mission of universities – how universities contribute to societal goals, and the idea of the societal compact of universities’ duties arising from their societal privileges (high-leve) – community engagement, knowledge exchange, knowledge transfer, technology transfer (low level)
Contributions to PASCAL: developed tool for PURE Benchmarking project on Benchmarking Universities’ Regional Contributions.
Analysis of regional innovation systems and regional innovation policy; Regional development agencies and regional development policy.
Funding Highlights
- Strong record of third party funding since 2009 (over €1.1m)
- Range of funding in UK (Research Councils, Government Ministries) and Europe (HERA programme, Norwegian Research Council)
- Holder of two prestigious UK Research Council Fellowships (ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, RCUK Academic Fellow)
- Reviewer, Arts & Humanities Research Council Connnected Communities programme
Scholarly Activities
- Visiting Professor of Universities and Community Engagement at CQU, Australia (2011-14).
- Early Career Editor, Regional Studies, Regional Science (launched 22nd November, 2013).
- Inaugural Fellow of Regional Studies Association
- Editor of six edited scholarly volumes.
- Active programme of invited seminar/ research network/ conference keynote presentations, including ERI (2003), Norwegian Geographers Network (2004), LGIB (2002), Norwegian Regional Researchers Network (2003), ERI, Herriott Watt University (2003), Waseda Machizukuri Symposium (2005), CIRCLE (2006), CHEPS (2006), Work Foundation (2007), NESTA (2007), LARCI (2007) CEIR, Salford University, (2009), launch of OECD Review of Piedmonte (2009), HEFCW (2009), CIND Uppsala University (2010), NORSA, Sijnajoki, Finland (2010), GAP, Radboud University (2010), CHERPA (2011), ECIS (2012) INGENIO (2012), EPRC (2012), GURU (2012), AHRC Connected Campuses (2013) NCCPE’s Engaged Futures (2013), Irish Branch Regional Studies Association (2013), ECONOMIC Achieving SSH Impact (2014), Copenhagen University Humanities Faculity (2015).
- International Advisor to Norwegian Research Council Strategic Research Project «Quality and Collaboration: the higher education sector and society» (2013-15)
- Co-ordinator of Research Network “the Social Dynamics of Innovation networks” – organised three conference sessions (Newcastle 2011, Delft 2012, Tampere 2013) and three Network Events (Nijmegen 2011, Aachen 2012, Glasgow 2013, Heerlen, 2014). Edited volume under contract with Taylor & Francis, appeared June 2014.
- Reviewer for 20 international peer reviewed journals.
- Strong track record of non-journal scholarly publishing in book chapters, working papers, research reports, review essays and book reviews.
Business and Community Engagement
- Twenty years’ experience in academic contract research in the UK & Netherlands.
- Currently working on DG EDUCATION project developing indicators to measure university contributions to innovation capacity (Eunivation).
- Authored reports for think tanks, sector groups, policy-makers and interest groups to provoke debate and inform policy-making.
- Worked with Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development in Paris on:–
- DG RESEARCH expert for the smart specialisation strategy for Slovakia (2013)
- European Expert Correspondent for Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI) project “Knowledge, engagement and higher education: rethinking social responsibility”.
- Leading team of expert advisers supporting Linköping University developing their vision, mission and strategy for societal collaboration.
- Regular media appearances including a monthly UK Regional newspaper column since 2004.
- Technology & Innovation Policy Group Clusters focus group (1999-2001),
- IMHE project Universities and Regional Development (2004-2007),
- TDPC Regional Innovation Policy work programme (2007-2014).
Main research projects
Dates |
Projects |
2015-17 |
Eunivation: measuring the contribution of universities to European territorial innovation capacity (€400k, DG EAC) |
2015-17 |
Global Science Scapes: Dimensions of Transnationalism (£118k, Leverhulme Trust) |
2014-16 |
Exploratory Initiatives project “Social innovation futures: beyond policy panacea and conceptual ambiquity, Eu-SPRI Forum Exploratory Project Grant., €20,000 |
2014 |
Measuring and managing the collaboration activities of Linkoping University, Linköping University/ VINNOVA, Phase 2 €90,000. |
2013 |
Evaluating the policy congruence of the Netherlands’s ERDF Operational Programmes, sub-contractor for Technopolis, MINEZ, € 5,000 |
2013 |
Measuring and managing the collaboration activities of Linkoping University, Linköping University/ VINNOVA, Phase 1 €45,000. |
2013 |
Evaluating the Ex ante conditionality of Slovakia’s smart specialisation strategy, DG RESEARCH, €20,000 |
2013 |
OECD Territorial Review of Innovation Policy in the Netherlands, €15,000 |
2012-13 |
Understanding universities’ capabilities to support academic entrepreneurship, Norwegian Research Council, €20, 000 |
2012 |
Establishing boundary conditions for the Netherlands’s Research Standard Evaluation Protocol post 2015, VSNU, €15,000 |
2010-12 |
HERAVALUE, “Measuring the societal impacts of universities' research into arts and the humanities” Humanities in the European Research Area Joint Research Programme €500,000, UT award €200,000. |
2010 |
“The Roots of University Engagement” Report for the National Co-ordinating Centre on Public Engagement (€6,000). |
2010 |
New approaches to benchmarking university performance: an international perspective, European Centre for the Study of the Modern University, €8,000 |
2009-10 |
Modes of governance for university co-operation: an international comparative review, Dutch 3TU Federation, €45,000 |
2009 |
A review of the evidence base surrounding the value of public engagement by scientists, Science for All Working Group report, €6,000 |
2009 |
‘The global-regional knowledge interface’ Work Package in OECD Regional Innovation Strategies project, OECD GOV Division (€15,000) |
2009 |
Consultancy support for the Innovation Review of Sweden, OECD GOV Division (€1600) |
2009 |
Peer Review of Auckland Innovation System, Ministry of Economic Development, New Zealand (€2,700) |
2009 |
Background paper for Regional Innovation Systems project, OECD GOV Division project (€2,750) |
2009-2011 |
“Classifying the regional consequences of climate change”, part of European Spatial Planning Observatory Network (ESPON) research programme (€100,000). ** Only led in inception phase because of move to the Netherlands. |
- Chair of Governors of Southridge First School (budget £1m) (2006-09)
- Committee Member, Regional Studies Association (2000-date)
- Working Group “The role of knowledges in the economic development of old industrial regions” (organises annual conference and arranges publications) 2005-date.
- Regional Development Agency correspondent for Regions, the newsletter of the Regional Studies Association April 1998 — 2003.
- Committee member of Regional Studies Association 2000-date; trustee of registered charity 2004-2008.
- Editor of Regions, magazine of Regional Studies Association (2004-2008)
- Editor-in-Chief, Regional Insights, Review of the Regional Studies Association (2010-date)
- Treasurer of Regional Science Association International: British and Irish section (2004) also trustee of Registered Charity (2002-2004).
- Committee Member of Economic Geography Research Group, Contract Research and Teaching Forum, Royal Geographical Society‑Institute of British Geographers, 2002‑2004
- Committee member of Northern Branch, Regional Studies Association (2001-05).
Journal articles
h-factor (Google Scholar) – 23 (27.01.2015)
Coenen, L. Benneworth, P. & Truffer, B. (2012) “Theorizing the geographies of sustainability transitions” Research Policy 41 (6) pp. 968-979.
* This paper formed part of a special issue on "Sustainability Transitions" that won the 2010-12 Chris Freeman Award of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology ( for a “significant collective contribution to the interaction of science and technology studies with the study of innovation.
Cited by 136 including Simon Marvin, Bjorn Asheim, Rob Raven, Frank Geels, Garud.
Benneworth, P. & Jongbloed, B.W.A (2009) “Who matters to universities? A stakeholder perspective on humanities, arts and social sciences valorisation” Higher Education DOI 10.1007/s10734-009-9265-2
Cited by 105 including M. Tight (2012) Researching Higher Education, McGraw Hill/ Society for the Research into Higher Education.
Benneworth, P. S. & Hospers, G.-J. (2007) “Urban competitiveness in the knowledge economy: Universities as new planning animateurs” Progress in planning, 67 (2) pp. 99-198.
Cited by 57: Nominated for best published paper in planning (2007) to AESOP/ ACSP.
Benneworth, P. S. & Charles, D. R. (2005) “University spin off companies and the territorial knowledge pool: building regional innovation competencies?” European Planning Studies, 13 (4) pp. 537-557.
Cited by 128 (Google Scholar) including Anders Malmberg, Dominic Power, Henry Etzkowitz, Einar Rasmussen, Robert Huggins, Fumi Kitagawa, Ed Malecki, Elvira Uyarra, Susan Christopherson & Helen Lawton Smith.
Benneworth, P. S. & Henry, N. (2004) “Where is the value added in the cluster approach? Hermeneutic theorizing, economic geography and clusters as a multi‑perspectival approach” Urban Studies.
Cited by 130 (Google Scholar) including Christine Chaminade, Henry Yeung, Jeremy Howells, Martina Fromhold-Eisebith, Jonathon Beaverstock, Robert Huggins & Mike Taylor.
Publications of a further 30 scholarly articles in a range of international peer reviewed journals.
Books & Monographs
Tian Miao, J. Benneworth, P. & Phelps, N. (eds) (2015) Making 21st century knowledge complexes: technopoles of the world 20 years after, London: Routledge.
R. Rutten, Benneworth, P., Boekema, F., Irawati, D. (2014) (eds) The social dynamics of innovation networks, London: Routledge (in press)
Hardill, I., Benneworth, P. Baker, M. & Budd, L. (2012) (eds) The rise of the English regions?, London: Routledge.
Benneworth, P. (ed.) (2013) “University engagement with socially excluded communities: towards the idea of 'the engaged university”, Dordrecht: Springer.
Pinheiro, R. Jones, G. C & Benneworth, P. S. (eds) (2012) “Universities and regional development: a critical assessment of tensions and challenges”, London, Routledge.
Benneworth, P., Hamm, R., Goebel, C., Schmitz, Y., Doucet, B. & Clifton, N. (2010) (eds) Actors and agency in the economic development of old industrial regions Mönchengladbach: Lower Rhine University of Applied Sciences University Press.
Benneworth, P. S. & Hospers, G. J. (2009) (eds) The role of the culture in the regeneration of old industrial regions, Münster, Lit Verlag
Benneworth, P. S. (2001) Regional Development Agencies — their early years 1998‑2001, Seaford: Regional Studies Association.
Books under contract
Hazelkorn, E., Benneworth P. & Gulbrandsen, M. (2016) The impacts and future of arts and humanities research, London: Palgrave.
Refereed journal articles since 2007
Benneworth, P. S. Lawton Smith, H., & Bagchi-Sen, S. (2015) “Building inter-organizational synergies in the regional Triple Helix: introduction to the special issue” Industry & Higher Education, 29(1) pp. 5-10.
Benneworth, P. S. (2015) “Putting impact into context: The Janus face of the public value of arts and humanities research”, Arts & Humanities in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1177/1474022214533893
Benneworth, P. S. & Ratinho, T. (2014) “Back to the future of high technology fantasies? Reframing the role of knowledge parks and science cities in innovation-based economic development” Environment and Planning C, 32(5) pp. 784 – 808
Olmos-Peñuela, J., Benneworth, P. & Castro-Martinez, E. (2014) “Are sciences essential and humanities elective? Disentangling competing claims for humanities’ research public value” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 1474022214534081, first published on May 14, 2014 as doi:10.1177/1474022214534081
Benneworth, P. (2014) “Tracing how arts and humanities research translates, circulates and consolidates in society.. How have scholars been reacting to diverse impact and public value agendas?” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 1474022214533888, first published on May 14, 2014 as doi:10.1177/1474022214533888.
Benneworth, P. & Herbst, M. (2014) “The academic city as destination for human capital migration”, European Planning Studies, published online first 15 Jan 2014:
Cremonini, L., Westerheijden, D., Benneworth, P & Dauncey, H. (2013) “In the Shadow of Celebrity?, World-Class University Policies and Public Value in Higher Education” Higher Education Policy, Advance online publication, October 15, 2013; doi:10.1057/hep.2013.33
Olmos-Peñuela, J., Benneworth, P. & Castro-Martinez, E. (2013) “Are STEM from Mars and SSH from Venus? Challenging stereotypical perceptions of differential social usefulness of academic disciplines”, Science and Public Policy first published online October 3, 2013 doi:10.1093/scipol/sct071.
Coenen, L. Benneworth, P. & Truffer, B. (2012) “Theorizing the geographies of sustainability transitions” Research Policy `41 (6) pp. 968-979.
G.J. Hospers and P. Benneworth, (2012) Innovation in an old industrial region: the case of Twente, International Journal for Learning and Intellectual Capital 9 (1/2) pp. 6‑21.
Benneworth, P. , Hospers, G. J., Jongbloed, B., Leiyste, L. & Zomer, A.. (2011) “The ‘science city’ as a system coupler in fragmented strategic urban environments?”, Built Environment, 37 (3) pp. 317-335
Haselsberger, B. & Benneworth, P. S. (2010) “The Euroregional Planning Approach: Strategy making and policy delivery in multi-area ‘Euroregions’” disP: the Planning Review, No. 138 (4/2010) pp. 80-94
Benneworth, P. S. & Dauncey, H. D. (2010) “International urban festivals as a catalyst for governance capacity building: The legacy of Lyon’s failed Olympic 1968 bid” Environment & Planning C Vol. 28, pages 1083‑1100, doi:10.1068/c09136
Benneworth, P. S. (2010) “Five scalar challenges and barriers to innovative practice in regeneration management”, paper submitted for special issue of Journal of Urban Regeneration Research, accepted published in 4(1).
Benneworth, P. S., Charles, D. R. & Madnipour, A. (2010) “Universities as agents of urban change in the global knowledge economy” European Planning Studies.
Benneworth, P. & Jongbloed, B.W.A (2009) “Who matters to universities? A stakeholder perspective on humanities, arts and social sciences valorisation” Higher Education DOI 10.1007/s10734-009-9265-2
Benneworth, P. S., Coenen, L., Moodyson, J. & Asheim, B. (2009) “Exploring the multiple roles of Lund University in strengthening the Scania regional innovation system: towards institutional learning? European Planning Studies 17:11, 1645 - 1664
Benneworth, P. & Sanderson, A. (2009) “Building institutional capacity for HEI regional engagement in a sparse innovation environment: a case study of Knowledge House” Higher Education Management and Policy, March 2009.
Benneworth P, Hospers G-J, (2007) "The new economic geography of old industrial regions: universities as global–local pipelines" Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 25(6) 779–802
Benneworth, P. S. & Hospers, G.-J. (2007) “Urban competitiveness in the knowledge economy: Universities as new planning animateurs” Progress in planning, 67 (2) pp. 99-198.
Benneworth, P. S. (2007) “Seven samurai opening the ivory tower? University commercialisation communities of practise promoting economic development in less successful regions” European Planning Studies 15 (4) pp. 487‑511.
Book chapters in last five years
Cunha, J., Benneworth, P & Oliveira, P. (2015) "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: A Conceptual Distinction," Handbook of Research on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Hershey, PA: IGI Global .
Benneworth, P., Tian Miao, J., & Phelps, N. (2015) “Old and new lessons for technopoles” in J. Tian Miao, P. Benneworth & N. Phelps (eds) Technopoles of the World Revisited, London: Routledge.
Tian Miao, J., Benneworth, P. & Phelps, N. (2015) “Technopoles of the World Revisited: How are They Making the 21st Century Industrial Complexes?” in J. Tian Miao, P. Benneworth & N. Phelps (eds) Technopoles of the World Revisited, London: Routledge.
Korotka, M. & Benneworth, P. & Ratinho, T. (2015) “Back to the future of high technology fantasies? Reframing the role of knowledge parks and science cities in innovation based economic development” in J. Tian Miao, P. Benneworth & N. Phelps (eds) Technopoles of the World Revisited, London: Routledge.
Benneworth, P. & Osborne, M. (2014) “Knowledge, engagement & higher education in Europe” in GUNI (2014) Higher Education in the World 5: knowledge engagement and higher education contributing to social change, London: Palgrave.
Benneworth, P. & Pinheiro, R. (2015) “Regional upgrading in the periphery: A view from the "rich" Northern European cousins” in M. Fonseca & U. Fratesi (eds.) Regional Upgrading in Southern Europe: spatial dimensions and human capital, Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
P. Benneworth & Ratinho, T. (2014) Regional innovation culture in the social knowledge economy” in R. Rutten, P. Benneworth, D. Irawati & F. Boekema (eds) The social dynamics of innovation networks London, Routledge.
Benneworth, P. D. Irawati, R. Rutten & F. Boekema (2014) “The social dynamics of innovation networks: from learning region to learning in socio-spatial context” in R. Rutten, P. Benneworth, D. Irawati & F. Boekema (eds) The social dynamics of innovation networks London, Routledge .
Benneworth P. & Rutten, R. (2014) “Conclusions: mapping the contours of the SDIN space economy” in in R. Rutten, P. Benneworth, D. Irawati & F. Boekema (eds) The social dynamics of innovation networks London, Routledge .
Benneworth, P. & Osborne, M. (2014) “Knowledge, engagement, and higher education in Europe” in (eds) R. Tandon & B. Hall, Higher Education in the World 5: Knowledge engagement and higher education: contributing to social change, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Benneworth, P. (2014) “Decoding university ideals by reading campuses” in P. Temple (ed.) The physical university, London: Routledge.
Benneworth, P. (2013) “University Engagement with Socially Excluded Communities”; in P. Benneworth (ed.) University engagement with socially excluded communities, Dordrecht, Springer.
Benneworth, P. Charles, D., Hodgson, C. & Humphrey, L. (2013) The Relationship of Community Engagement with Universities’ Core Missions” in P. Benneworth (ed.) University engagement with socially excluded communities, Dordrecht, Springer.
Benneworth, P. & Humphrey, L. (2013) “Universities’ Perspectives on Community Engagement” in P. Benneworth (ed.) University engagement with socially excluded communities, Dordrecht, Springer.
Benneworth, P. & Charles, D. (2013) “University-Community Engagement in the Wider Policy Environment” in P. Benneworth (ed.) University engagement with socially excluded communities, Dordrecht, Springer.
Benneworth, P. & Jongbloed, B. (2013) “Policies for Promoting University-Community Engagement in Practice” in P. Benneworth (ed.) University engagement with socially excluded communities, Dordrecht, Springer.
Jongbloed, B. & Benneworth, P. (2013) “Learning from History: Previous Attempts to Measure Universities’ Community Impacts” in P. Benneworth (ed.) University engagement with socially excluded communities, Dordrecht, Springer.
Benneworth, P. (2013) “The Evaluation of Universities and their Contributions to Social Exclusion” in P. Benneworth (ed.) University engagement with socially excluded communities, Dordrecht, Springer.
Benneworth, P. (2013) “The Engaged University in Practice?” in P. Benneworth (ed.) University engagement with socially excluded communities, Dordrecht, Springer.
Cremonini, L., Benneworth, P., Westerheijden, D. F. & Dauncey, H. (2013) “Reconciling Republican ‘Egalité’ and Global Excellence Values in French Higher Education” in J. C. Shin & B. M Kehm (eds) Institutionalization of World-Class University in Global Competition, Dordrecht, Springer.
Benneworth, P. & Rutten, R. (2013) “Individuals networks and regional renewal: a case study of social dynamics and innovation in Twente” in F. Adam & H. Westlund, Innovation in Socio-cultural context, London: Routledge.
Pinheiro, R, Benneworth, P. & Jones, G. A. (2012) “Introduction” in R. Pinheiro, P. Benneworth and G. Jones (eds.), Universities and Regional Development. A Critical Assessment of Tensions and Contradictions. New York: Routledge, pp. 1-9.
Pinheiro, R, Benneworth, P. & Jones, G. A. (2012) “University ambiguity and institutionalisation: a tale of three regions” in R. Pinheiro, P. Benneworth and G. Jones (eds.), Universities and Regional Development. A Critical Assessment of Tensions and Contradictions. New York: Routledge, pp. 11-32.
Benneworth, P. (2012) “The relationship of regional engagement to universities’ core purposes: reflections from engagement efforts with socially excluded communities” in R. Pinheiro, P. Benneworth and G. Jones (eds.), Universities and Regional Development. A Critical Assessment of Tensions and Contradictions. New York: Routledge, pp. 199-218.
Pinheiro, R, Benneworth, P. & Jones, G. A. (2012) “What next? Steps towards a recategorization of universities’ regional missions” in R. Pinheiro, P. Benneworth and G. Jones (eds.), Universities and Regional Development. A Critical Assessment of Tensions and Contradictions. New York: Routledge, pp. 241-255.
Benneworth, P. Hardill, I., Baker, M. & Budd, L. (2012) “The rise of the English regions: an introduction” in I. Hardill, P. Benneworth, M. Baker, M. & L. Budd (eds) The rise of the English regions?, London: Routledge.
Benneworth, P. (2012) “The ‘rise’ of the region: the English context to the raging academic debates” in I. Hardill, P. Benneworth, M. Baker, M. & L. Budd (eds) The rise of the English regions?, London: Routledge.
Byrne, D. & Benneworth, P. (2012) “Where and what is the North East of England?” in I. Hardill, P. Benneworth, M. Baker, M. & L. Budd (eds) The rise of the English regions?, London: Routledge.
Benneworth, P. Hardill, I., Roberts, P., Baker, M. & Budd, L. (2012) “The rise of the English regions? Conclusions” in I. Hardill, P. Benneworth, M. Baker, M. & L. Budd (eds) The rise of the English regions?, London: Routledge.
Hardill, H. , Gray, M. and Benneworth, P. (2012) Harnessing all a region’s capacities: inclusion issues in I. Hardill, P. Benneworth, M. Baker, M. & L. Budd (eds) The rise of the English regions?, London: Routledge.
G.J. Hospers, E. van Tuijl and P. Benneworth (2011), Innovation by imitation? Benchmarking success stories of regional innovation, in: T. Bas and J. Zhao (eds.), Comparing High-Technology Firms in Developed and Developing Countries: Cluster Growth Initiatives, IGI Global, Hershey PA.
Haselsberger, B.; Benneworth, P. (2011) Cross-border Communities or Cross-border Proximity? Perspectives from the Austrian-Slovakian Border Region. In: Adams, N. et al. (Eds.) Territorial Development, Cohesion and Spatial Planning. Knowledge and policy development in an enlarged EU. Routledge, pp.229-254
Dassen A. & Benneworth, P. (2011) Understanding the limits to higher education policy networks, in J. Enders, H. F. de Boer & D. Westerheijden (eds) Reform of higher education in Europe, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers.
Zomer, A. & Benneworth, P. (2011) The rise of the university’s Third Mission, in J. Enders, H. F. de Boer & D. Westerheijden (eds) Reform of higher education in Europe, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers.
Charles, D. R., Benneworth, P., Conway, C. & Humphrey, L. (2010) ‘How to benchmark university-community interactions’ in Inman, P. & Schütze, H. G. (eds) The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities, Leicester (UK): NIACE.
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