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Pauline McNeill

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User Profile

  • British citizen , Scotland , former member of the Scottish Parliament
  • Scottish politics , Middle East ,Criminal Justice Policy
  • MSP for Glasgow Kelvin Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Culture Constitution and External affairs
  • Palestine, Middle East Affairs, Scottish politics, Justice Policy. Parliamentarian since 1999, Served on Justice committee from ’99 until 2007.
Recognitions, positions, memberships: 
  • As Chair of the Middle East Forum – hosted Former President of Iraq Mr Al Jaafari , Guma  El Gamaty UK coordinator  for Libya , Former Ambassador / representative  to UK ,US and Russia Afif Safieh
  • Chaired the All Party Group on Palestine at the Scottish Parliament
  • Served on  the  UK Observer Mission to Palestinian Elections 2006, Delegation to Lebanon post Israel war 2007  , Led two humanitarian missions to the Gaza Strip,

 Chaired the Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament,

  • Convened 22 bills of the Scottish Parliament including Family Law ,Land Reform, Human Right Commission, International Criminal Courts
  • Chaired the  Shirley McKie Enquiry / Scottish Criminal Records office
  • Spokesperson on Calman commission in to Scottish Devolution 
  • Reported to Brussels on areas of Scottish  civil law
Selected publications: 
  • 2006: The Palestinian Elections.
  • 2008: published articles in the Scotsman on Calman commission , Future of the Scottish Press , 2010 Culture policy for Scottish Election Campaign – drafting mainly.
  • 2011: Egypt – tentatively scheduled for publicatio.


Member for
12 years 39 weeks
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