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Peter Kearns

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User Profile


Policy and strategies to foster lifelong learning
Building learning communities and regions

Recent research/consultancy: 
  • 2005 Adult Learning Australia: Report on future directions for lifelong learning in Australia (Achieving Australia as an Inclusive Learning Society)
  • 2006 Adult Learning Australia, Equity in Adult Learning.
  • Study of matching VET provision to regional development skill needs/
  • e-learning for mature age workers
Recognitions, positions, memberships: 
  • Visiting Research Fellow Adult Learning Australia,
  • Member of Hume Global Learning Village Advisory Board
  • Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2006 for service to education
Selected publications: 
  • Kearns P, Bowman K & Garlick S, The Double Helix of VET & Regional Development, NCVER, Adelaide (forthcoming)
  • What are the Limits of ICT & Media in the Delivery of VET, in UNESCO International Handbook of Vocational Education & Training, UNEVOC, Bonn (forthcoming)
  • Equity in Adult Learning , Adult Learning Australia, Canberra (2006)
  • Achieving Australia as an Inclusive Learning Society, Adult Learning Australia, Canberra (2005)
  • VET in the 21st Century Global Knowledge Society, ANTA, Brisbane (2004)
  • Towards the Connected Learning Society : An International Overview of Trends in Policy for Information and Communication Technology in Education, DEST, Canberra (2002)
  • Are Two Worlds Colliding ? The Provision of Training and Learning Services for Small Business, NCVER, Adelaide (2002)
  • Kearns P, McDonald R, Candy, P, Knights S, VET in th Learning Age, NCVER, Adelaide (1999)
  • Kearns P & Schofield K, Learning Across Frontiers : A Report on the Internationalisation of Staff Development in VET, ANTA, Melbourne (1997)
  • Kearns P & Hall W (ed), Kangan : Twenty Years On, NCVER, Adelaide


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