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Robbie Guevara

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Associate Professor
International Development at RMIT University

Roberto (Robbie) Guevara is an Associate Professor in International Development at RMIT's School of Global, Urban and Social Studies.


Robbie’s main research interest and supervision areas are popular and community environmental education in the Asia-Pacific region; Education for Sustainable Development; HIV-AIDS education; community and sustainable tourism; participatory action research; international aid and development; community development; local and global sustainability and global citizenship.

  • 3 PhD completed, 1 ongoing
  • 3 Masters Minor Thesis (International Development), completed
  • 1 Masters Minor Thesis (International Development), ongoing
Recent research/consultancy: 
  • Teaching in the Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) and Master of International Development programs
  • Supervision of international internships, international field projects, Masters and PhD research students
  • Study tour leader, International Perspectives in Community Development (Philippines)
Recognitions, positions, memberships: 
  • Vice-President (Asia), International Council of Adult Education (ASPBAE), 2011–present
  • President, Asian South Pacific Association of Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), 2009–present
  • Member and previous Journal Editor, Victorian Association for Environmental Education (VAEE)
  • Member, Action Research Issues Association (ARIA) Melbourne Victoria
  • Member, Action Learning, Action Research Association (ALARA)
  • Member, International Association of Community Development (IACD)
  • Member, Adult Learning Australia (ALA)

Selected publications: 

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Member for
13 years 8 weeks
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