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Ron Faris

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User Profile

  • President, Golden Horizon Ventures
  • Associate Executive Director, National Literacy Secretariat, Federal Department of the Secretary of StateExecutive Director of Continuing and Community Education, B.C Ministry of Education
  • Since 1998: Bridging leading-edge interdisciplinary theory and practice related to development of place-based learning communities i.e. neighbourhoods, villages, towns, cities and regions by developing and applying both learning-based community development and learning-based formative evalution models
  • Fostering collaboration between First Nation (Aboriginal) and non-First Nation communities in both rural and urban learning communities
  • Community mapping of learning resources in emerging place-based learning communities
  • Graduate Teaching, “Place-based Learning Communities “ in the Leadership and Adult Education program of the Faculty of Education, University of Victoria

Learning communities

Recent research/consultancy: 
  • 2013 Presenter at the UNESCO’S 1st International Conference on Learning Cities in Beijing and a subsequent community forum in Hangzhou.
  • 2006-2007 -  Formative evaluator of the South Island Learning Community (SILC) project focused on use of learning technologies to foster basic literacy in collaborating First Nation and non-First Nation communities and the development of an associated learning-based evaluation model
  • 2006 – Knowledge expert for the Vancouver Learning City Initiative.
Recognitions, positions, memberships: 
  • Ph.D. Educational Theory – University of Toronto
  • M. Ed Educational Administration - UBC
  • B.A. Economics and Political Science – UBC
  • Charter President (1971)- Saskatchewan Association for Lifelong Learning
  • Executive Committee member , Canadian Association for Adult Education
Selected publications: 
  • Faris R (2006) Reports for the  Vancouver Learning City Initiative - ””Learning Cities:Lessons Learned”:and “Learning Cities: An Annotated Bibliography”
  • Faris, R and Wheeler L. (2006) “Learning Communities of Place” A paper presented at the 2006 Learning Communities Conference, Brisbane.        
  • Faris R (2005) “Lifelong Learning, social capital and place management: a Canadian perspective”,             in Rebalancing the social and economic: Learning, partnership and place, (eds Chris Duke, Mike Osborne and Bruce Wilson), NIACE, Leicester.
  • Faris R and Martin J (2005), “Learning Communities and Regions in British Columbia and Victoria State: Applying the Stem Cell of Lifelong Learning in Theory and Practice”, Paper prepared for the United Nations’ International Conference on Engaging Communities by Prof. John Martin and Ron Faris, Brisbane.
  • Faris R (2004) “Lifelong Learning, Social Capital and Place Management in Learning Communities and Regions: a Rubic’s Cube or a Kaleidoscope?” PASCAL Hot topics paper
  • Faris R and Martin J (2004) “The Likelihood of Learning Communities: A Canadian Australian Perspective”, A paper presented at ACSANZ Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney,
  • Faris, R (2001) “The Way Forward: Building a Learning Nation” Discussion paper on a conceptual framework for learning communities for the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation
  • Faris, R and Peterson, W (2000) “”Learning Based Community Development” Discussion paper on a new model of community development that leads to creation of learning communities for the then B.C. Ministry of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers
  • Faris, R (1998) “”Learning Communities: Cities, Towns and Villages Preparing for a 21st Century Knowledge-Based Economy”


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14 years 8 weeks
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