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Russell Rimmer

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User Profile

2011- : Emeritus Professor, School of Social Sciences, Arts and Management, Queen Margaret University

2009-2010: Acting Dean, School of Business, Enterprise and Management, Queen Margaret University (Feb-July and Oct-Jan)

2008-2011: Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching, School of Business, Enterprise and Management, Queen Margaret University

2008: Professor of Strategic Human Resource Management, Queen Margaret University

2008: Member, Higher Education Institutional Research Network, UK

2000-2003: Head of Division of Strategic and Human Resource Management, University of Paisley

2000-2004: Director, Executive MBA, University of Paisley

Selected publications: 


  • Duffy, T and Rimmer, R, (2008) Improving Students Motivation to Learn, Exeter: Reflect.
  • Rimmer, R and Rimmer, S (1994) More Brilliant Careers, Canberra: AGPS.
  • Rimmer, R (1993) Income Distribution in a Corporate Economy, Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
  • Rimmer, R (1983) Generic Bifurcations for Involutory Area Preserving Maps, Rhode Island: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.


  • Matheson, C, Rimmer, R and Tinsley, R (2011) ‘What brings people to an unconventional festival on a cold night? An understanding of audience involvement in at the Beltane Fire Festival’ , paper for the International Conference on Tourism and Management Studies, , Algarve, 26-29 October.
  • Houston, M and Rimmer, R (2011) ‘Simultaneity in student decision making and institutional data’, paper for the Conference of the Higher Educational Institutional Research Network, Kingston upon Thames, 16-17 June.
  • Houston, M and Rimmer, R (2011) ‘Mathematics preparation at school and university experience’, under revision for submission to Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A.
  • Donnelly, M, Rimmer, R and Shui, E (2011) ‘Quality, value for money and satisfaction with police services’, under review by Policing: an International Journal of Police Strategies and Management.
  • Quinn, B and Rimmer, R (2010) ‘International students: academic, employability and career outcomes’, paper for the International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference, Switzerland, 19-20 May.
  • Duffy, T, Houston, M and Rimmer, R (2010) ‘Qualitative analysis of a self-administered motivational instrument: implications for students, teachers and researchers’ paper for the European Learning Styles Information Network, (ELSIN 2010) Conference, University of Aveiro, Portugal, June and submitted to Reflecting Practice in Education.
  • Houston, M and Rimmer, R (2010) ‘School mathematics and university outcomes’. To appear in Marr, C and Grove, M and (eds) Addressing the Quantitative Skills Gap: Establishing and sustaining cross-curricular mathematical support in higher education, HEA Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research Network.


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12 years 39 weeks
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