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Vanessa Little

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User Profile

  • General Manager, Hume Global Learning Village 
  • Senior Policy Adviser, Government of South Australia

Organisational and community development
Strategic planning and implementation
Stakeholder engagement and partnerships
Learning cities, information, resource sharing and libraries

Recent research/consultancy: 
  • Creation of a learning community in Canberra based on literacy.
  • Creation and development of the Hume Global Learning Village, including schools, neighbourhood houses, universities, TAFEs, job network providers, community groups.
  • Development of Learning Together Strategy – a single vision and blueprint for community, business and government, collaboratively developed and ‘owned’ by the community.
  • Development and leadership of international research into the role of the community (and the Village) in the education of students in the Broadmeadows School Renewal project
  • Creation of new Department of Hume City Council in 2003, and lead an Integration and Improvement project to identify and address organisational, cultural and service issues and improvements across groups with different cultures and backgrounds.
Recognitions, positions, memberships: 
  • MBA University of South Australia (¾ completed, currently deferred)
  • Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, University of South Australia
  • Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Management,
  • Winner 2003 Prime Minister’s Awards for Business Community Partnerships (Victoria)
  • Winner Australian Customer Service Association Award for Small Business Customer Service Excellence (SA) and National runner-up
  • Winner of the National Award for Excellence in Local Government 2005, National Office of Local Government, Commonwealth Government for the Hume Global Learning Village
  • Identification of the Hume Global Learning Village as world’s best practice by Open University in a report for UK Government on learning cities
  • First woman elected to National Council of Local Government Managers Australia 1998 and first woman State President South Australia 1999.
  • Elected to the Board of Adult Learning Australia in 2006 and appointed to the Northern Region Adult Community and Further Education Council (Victoria) in 2003.
Selected publications: 
  • Learning as the driver for social and economic change - the Hume Global Learning Village (2006) to the International City Managers Association International Best Practise Symposium, New Zealand
  • It may take a Village to educate a community (2006) United Nations Conference on Engaging Communities, (QLD);
  • Business Community partnerships (2005) Prime Minister’s Awards for Business Community Partnerships seminar and
  • What makes a successful business community partnership? (2004) for the Prime Minister’s Awards presentations
  • Role of local government in creating an online community (2005) Local Government Managers Australia National Congress
  • Community Engagement – Beyond the basics for the 2004 Local Government Managers Australia National Congress


Member for
14 years 8 weeks
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