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Equality as an Endpoint: Learning, Training and the Global Pathways to Inclusive Development - Workshop, 18 June, Glasgow

You are kindly invited to attend the Equality as an Endpoint: Learning, Training and the Global Pathways to Inclusive Development workshop to be held on Monday, June 18th, 10-4 pm in Forehall, Main Building, University of Glasgow. This interdisciplinary workshop brings together perspectives and insights from international academics and policymakers on effective learning and training for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development of marginalised populations globally. We will be hosting guests from India, Germany, England as well as our very own colleagues and policymakers. I hope you can attend and look forward to your support and contribution in this. Tea, coffee and lunch will be served. Please register for catering purposes at this Eventbrite pageA detailed programme is attached.

equality_as_an_endpoint_workshop_and_programme.pdf198.33 KB

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