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Innovation for Stronger Regions: Opportunities in FP7 - 14 July 2011, Brussels

14 July 2011, 9:00-14:00, at  Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 101, Brussels
The event aims at encouraging regional and local actors to get acquainted with the EC's 7th Framework Programme of research. It provides an opportunity for more established actors to share their experience and to stimulate new partnerships between regions and at sharing ideas on, e.g. smart specialisation.
In addition, the event will raise awareness of the forthcoming FP7 calls to be released later in July. They offer an unprecedented opportunity to set up new strategic research partnerships, to build up innovation capacities, and to increase the level of scientific and technological excellence in Europe.
The conference will be addressed by Commissioner Márie Geoghegan-Quinn and CoR President Mercedes Bresso (tbc) and will be followed by presentations from regions and parallel workshops on 'smart specialisation', 'regional innovation' and 'research, innovation and businesses'.
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