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Alona Karavai's picture

University of resilience in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Several local and international organizations are working on a project of revitalization of a former factory into an innovative learning space (we call it "university of resilience") in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The special thing about this project is that is is a completely bottom-up-initiative and has to function due to crowd investing and impact investing. The brief description of the project could be found under this link

Working on this project, we are asking ourselves a lot of questions regarding learning spaces (for horizontal experimental learning), learning communities which really work and learning cities as a bigger ecosystem. In order to find more meaningful answers to these questions, we are organizing a forum on non-formal and alternative education under the working title "Learning spaces. Learning communities. Learning cities" where we will invite about 50 educational practitioners and innovators as well as community animators from the region. This forum will take place from 13 to 16 December 2017 in Ivano-Frankivsk.

We are very pleased that Dr Rob Mark who is leading the Learning Cities Network for PASCAL (LCN) has agreed to be a keynote speaker at the event.


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