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PIAAC events in Barcelona and Edinburgh

We are delighted to announce that PASCAL will be collaborating with the  Jaume Bofill Foundation in Barcelona in organising two events concerned with the recent OECD PIAAC study.

Details of the first of these events to be held in Barcelona on 7 November 2013 are attached below. The day consists of a seminar with invited guests from 0900-1400 at Palau Macaya, Passeig de Sant Joan, 108 – Barcelona and a Conference open to all at 18.30h at Cercle d’Economia, Provença, 298 – Barcelona.

A second event is in planning for early in the New Year in Edinburgh with additional collaborators in the form of College Development Network and the Scotland's Learning Partnership.


PIACC-Barcelona-programme_draft.docx112.29 KB

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