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The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities

Almost exactly two years after the PASCAL annual conference on the 'third mission' of universities, held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, UBC's Vice President for legal and external affairs and community relations hosted a book launching ceremony and reception for approximately 65 persons, including the Dean of Education and representatives of several other universities and civic institutions  in the Lower Mainland. The book's title is 'The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities", and it is published by the  National Institute  of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE), based in Leicester, England.

More details are below, see also Launch of PASCAL book 'The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities' at UBC.

Garnet Grosjean, Maxine Adam and Hans Schuetze

The picture shows (from left to right) Garnet Grosjean, PASCAL Associate and co-chair of the 2009 conference, Maxine Adam, Program Coordinator, and Hans Schuetze, conference co-chair and author and co-editor of the book which, appropriately is in the middle of the picture.



Community Flyer NIACE.pdf314.46 KB

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