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Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education Contributing to Social Change: Higher Education in the World 5

It is our wish to make you aware of the publication of World Report on Higher Education 5, Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education Contributing to Social Change: Higher Education in the World 5 published by Palgrave MacMillan.

A Groundbreaking Publication


What kinds of knowledge, knowledge epistemologies and knowledge ecologies are required to transform the world into a place of peace, happiness, justice and equity for citizens of the world?

Rajesh Tandon, Guest Editor

… this report brings to the forefront …issues…on how to transform higher education to exercise it’s social responsibility to citizens and society locally and globally.

Pauline Gonzalez-Pose, UNESCO

The 5th GUNi Higher Education in the World is a major contribution to exploring the vital role that can be played by higher education in driving social change

David Malone, Rector of the United Nations University

This Report looks at critical dimensions in our understanding of the roles, and potential roles, of higher education institutions (HEIs) as active players in contributing to social change and the creation of another possible world.

The first aim is to look at our changing understandings about who the agents of knowledge creation are and how the creation, distribution and use of knowledge are linked to our aspirations for a better world. The Report offers us elements of a vision for a renewed and socially responsible relationship between higher education, knowledge and society.

The second aim is to provide visibility for and critically examine one of the most significant trends in higher education over the past 10–15 years: the growth of the theory and practice of engagement as a key feature in the evolution of higher education. The report is a product of three years research, consultations, academic seminars and an international conference.  

The overall work was led by the GUNi team, with Cristina Esgrigas as the Executive Director.  Rajesh Tandon of India and Budd Hall of Canada, the jointly appointed UNESCO Chairs in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education served as Guest Editors of the report.

Seventy-Six authors, specialists and scholars from all continents contributed to this most comprehensive report ever done on the global dimensions of community university knowledge partnerships and engagement. The report is structured into six sections: (1) The context, (2) Global Issues on Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education, (3) Research on Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education. (4) Regional Developments, (5) Future Visions and An Agenda for Action and (5) Further Reading.

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Launches of this ground breaking report that we are already planned for the UK, Canada, Spain, Korea, Malta, USA, Hong Kong, Ireland and India.

The launch in the UK will be held at the University of Glasgow on 22 April and will be co-hosted by the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning and the Glasgow Centre for International Development.  Speakers will included Budd and Mike Osborne, who was co-writer of the European overview for this book. More details will follow.

GUNi would like to hear from others who have an interest in organizing a launch,  symposium or other activities based on the report. Please contact Cristina Esgrigas for further information [email protected]

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