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Emilio Lucio-Villegas Ramos's blog

NEW ESREA BOOK. Researching and Transforming Adult Learning and Communities The Local/Global Context

FREELY AVAILABLE AS AN OPEN ACCESS BOOK! Featured below and also available through Sense Publishers.

Can adult education and learning be understood without reference to community and people’s daily lives? The response to be found in the chapters of this volume say emphatically no, they cannot. Adult learning can be best understood if we look at the social life of people in communities, and this book is an attempt to recover this view.

Private World(s): Gender and Informal Learning of Adults - new ESREA book

This book is the third production from the ESREA Gender network and, once more, an opportunity to let the readers discover, or to know more, for a better understanding of questions related to gender and adult learning. It shows how researchers can be deeply involved in this specific field of adult education.

The second volume in the ESREA new book series with SENSE Publisher is out!

Learning across Generations in Europe. Contemporary Issues in Older Adult Education, edited by Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha, University of Tübingen, Germany. Sabina Jelenc Krašovec, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Marvin Formosa University of Malta, Malta.

The first volume in the ESREA new book series with SENSE Publisher is out!

Adult Education Policy and the European Union: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives, Edited by Marcella Milana and John Holford (Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2014). The open access ebook is featured below...

ESREA Seminar: Local Change, Social Actions and Adult Learning - Lisbon 2014

We would like to inform you that the ESREA Seminar "Local Change, Social Actions and Adult Learning: Challenges and Responses" of the Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development network will be held in Lisbon (Portugal) at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon on June, 26,27 and 28th, 2014.

More information at:

Please find featured below the first Call for Papers:

Conference of the ESREA Network 'Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development'

This Conference will take place at The Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal from June 26 to June 28, 2014.

More information at

Freirean Rhizome 13

Issue 13 of Freirean Rhizome on-line Journal  is now available at

Issue 12 of Freirean Rhizome is now available

Dear All

Issue 12 of Freirean Rhizome is now available at

This fully refereed, electronic journal provides established and emerging scholars and practitioners, social movements and professionals a space for critical and empirical analysis concerned with issues such as central educational policies, curriculum reform, cultural and political actions, alternatives activities and pedagogy.


Click the image to visit site

Click the image to visit site