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Leone Wheeler's blog

New Associates - PASCAL's Africa Centre for Economic Development

In September Marius Ventus informed the PASCAL Board that the Africa Centre has appointed a number of PASCAL Associates in South Africa.

The motivation for this is that a stronger credibility will lead to a greater network in Africa because each South African Associate brings a whole “Africa” network with him or her.

Today, we highlight three of the New Associates and link you to their profiles:

Measuring impact of community development programs in the City of Hume

For the past three years members of the Hume Learning Community, City of Hume, Melbourne, Victoria, have been working as a Community of Practice to trial a cost/benefit analysis approach to measure the impact of individual learning city programs. This approach is adapted from the Robin Hood Foundation in New York.

Making a case for a collective impact approach towards raising educational achievement in Hume City

Mathew O'Hagan is a Lead Teacher at Meadows Primary School, City of Hume, Victoria, Australia. In 2014 he won a Hume Teacher's Scholarship to help him complete a Masters in Educational Management. This enabled him to travel to the USA and NZ to investigate the practical application of 'collective impact'. As a result he wrote a paper entitled ‘Making a case for a collective impact approach towards raising educational achievement in Hume City’.  This is critical reflection on 'collective impact' and how it might be applied to the Hume Global Learning Village going forward as a way of improving educational outcomes. [Leone Wheeler]

The Rise and Rise of Gulf Cities: Prospects and Challenges

Last week I attended a talk by Sharjah writer, Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi,  about the rise of the Gulf Cities. It was held on Tuesday 19 April at New York University Campus, Abu Dhabi.

Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi talked about the rise of cities such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha and others across the Gulf area establishing themselves as “new city centres of the Arab world” and are now becoming “global powers in terms of diplomacy, energy, finance, culture, education and sport”. A few decades ago these cities were no more than fishing villages.

Outcomes from 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities

The Conference Secretariat has now written to all participants to say that the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities held in México City in September was a resounding success.  This conference builds on the work of the first conference held in Beijing in 2013, in particular,

Unlocking the potential of urban communities: Case studies of twelve learning cities

The Coordination Team of the Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), announce that they are about to publish case studies showcasing examples of twelve cities from around the world which use the learning city approach to achieving a range of economic, social, cultural and sustainable development goals.

12th PASCAL International Conference – Call for abstracts - deadline 18th May

Connecting Cities and Universities at Strategic Frontiers - 7-9 October, 2015, Catania, Italy

You are reminded to submit an abstract on one of the following conference strands by 18 May:

12th PASCAL International Conference – Strand 3: Engaging Communities with Universities

PASCAL has worked closely in recent years with a number of organisations concerned with community engaged research, namely research with communities rather than on communities. This strand of the conference will involve a co­operation with the UNESCO Chair for Community­-engaged Research and Social Responsibility based in Victoria (Canada) and New Delhi.

Cities and crisis by Josef Konvitz - Pre-release notification

One of the speakers at the next PASCAL Conference in Catania, Sicily from 7-9 October 2015 will be Josef Konvitz, PASCAL Chair, who will be introducing his new book, Cities and Crisis.

The Role of the National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA), Cayman Islands


Mr Holland, Director, National Workforce Development Agency for the Cayman Islands, and new PASCAL Associate, reflects on the role of the newly formed National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) for the Cayman Islands.


Role of The National Workforce Development Agency


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