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Martin Yarnit's blog

Looking forward to a few role for adult educators

Source: PIMA Bulletin 17, April 2018

Thirty years ago, I wrote an article bemoaning the state of adult and community learning (ACL) in the UK and calling for a Year of Adult Learning to raise its profile and a campaign for a new deal from government. The outcome was the creation of Adult Learners Week, a more modest but practicable initiative than the one I had envisaged, and eventually, a decade later, a commitment by a new government to a Learning Age.

Talk Shop – Making sense of the big issues, together

The British  general election turned into another dialogue of the deaf, with voters reduced to their usual role of passive observer while the politicians honed their skills in question evasion. But there is an alternative: Martin Yarnit and Perry Walker report on a new experiment in voter democracy in Liverpool.  It’s called Talk Shop and this time it is the voters doing the talking.

The Learning City: Dead as a Dodo?


Martin Yarnit

A common problem with books based on academic conferences is that the contributors, in their enthusiasm for their own specialist theme, sometimes seem indifferent to the big issues.  Longworth and Osborne, tireless toilers for the concept of the learning city and region, pinpoint a vital truth that they, almost alone amongst the contributors to Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions[1] are preoccupied with:


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