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Faith-based Learning City Development Network Updates

The Faith-based Learning City Development Network will be hosting a number of gatherings in the next few months to continue the conversation we began in 2016. Co-chair Dr. Maria Liu Wong and LCN Director Dr. Rob Mark will be at the PASCAL Suwon conference in late August 2018 and coordinate a gathering for prospective network members in attendance at the conference. Details are forthcoming.

We anticipate organizing another virtual Zoom meeting (hosted by our network co-chair Dr. Margaret Sutherland at Univ Glasgow) in early fall 2018. More information will be circulated via our email list and network members are encouraged to peruse the Google drive repository of past meeting minutes and reference documents. Our blog rotation will resume this month with an entry by Rev. Dr. Jaiver Viera from Drew University.

Attached below is a flyer for the Global Learning Cities Pre-Conference Gathering at the International Transformative Learning Conference 2018, held at Teachers College, Columbia University (New York) on November 7, 2018. An experiential session featuring members of the Faith-based LC Development Network will be held in the afternoon, with an additional session held at the main conference event on November 8, 2018. If any members of the network are interested in learning more, please email [email protected]. There are scholarships for international participants to attend the pre-conference gathering. 

For all those interested in learning more about or joining our developing network, please contact Dr. Maria Liu Wong ([email protected]) or Dr. Margaret Sutherland ([email protected]).


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