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CAUSE Summit-Collegiate Association of Unreasonable Social Entrepreneurs

The Center for Governmental Studies at Northern Illinois University recently served as one of the sponsors for the CAUSE Summit.  CAUSE developed the Social Impact Summit with the goals to educate students and social practitioners about social entrepreneurship, inspire all to find ways to enlarge their social and environmental impacts and provide networking opportunities for those passionate about making a difference and changing the world.

The Northern Illinois University chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is focused on aiding developing countries around the world.  Their presentation at the CAUSE Summit told the story of their work in Mexico developing appropriate technology for water filtration in small villages.  The NIU chapter of EWB partners with a local NGO as well as  rural  municipalities to develop ceramic filters made from local clay.  The rural villages outside of San Miguel de Allende now have an inexpensive and indigenous tool to provide clean water to  citizens. Artisans worked with engineers in developing this "convivial tool" as economic prosperity is bolstered while providing life basics.



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