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Cities Learning Together - News from another side of the world

Following my attendance at the 11th PASCAL conference - Cities Learning Together - in Hong Kong, I would like to introduce subscribers to my organisation Senac.

Senac São Paulo’s path is expressive of its importance in building and spreading marketplace-targeted knowledge within Brazil. The starting point occurred on January 10, 1946, when the Decree-laws 8,621 and 8,622 authorized the National Confederation of Commerce (CNC) to install and manage schools teaching commerce throughout Brazil. From this point, Senac started its activities, materializing the educational commitment of commerce and service entrepreneurs.

Quality and a pioneering nature have marked the institution’s history and are widely acknowledged. The portfolio of educational products and services keeps up with the accelerated pace of trends in society and is distributed through a complete structure, currently consisting of the Senac University Center – Águas de São Pedro Campus, Campos do Jordão Campus and Santo Amaro Campus, in the southern region of São Paulo – and 56 other units distributed throughout Greater São Paulo and other cities in the State of São Paulo. The spaces have state-of-the-art equipment, comprising ambiences where every day students experience enhanced standards in professional practice. A good example is the work at the hotel-schools – Grande Hotel Campos do Jordão and Grande Hotel São Pedro –, which harmoniously integrates their commercial activities with educational practice.

The Senac São Paulo Publishing House is an important arm of this work, with renowned awards and millions of copies sold in different professional and general interest areas.



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