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Important Information Note: The 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities will be rescheduled

The Government of Mexico City and UNESCO deeply regret to announce that the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC) will be rescheduled. The Conference was to be held in Mexico City, Mexico, from 7 to 9 May 2015.

The decision to reschedule the Conference was taken due to new national legislation in Mexico limiting local government actions prior to local elections, which will take place in June 2015.

The Government of Mexico City and UNESCO reaffirm their strong commitment to holding the 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities this year on a new date to be confirmed as soon as possible. We will keep you updated on developments.

We very much hope that you will be able to attend the Conference on the new date. We are looking forward to a successful event later this year!

For any enquiries concerning this event, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of the Conference at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), Feldbrunnenstr. 58, 20148 Hamburg, Germany; phone: +49 40 44 80 41 12; fax: +49 40 41 077 23;

email: [email protected]; web:

Mara Robles Vallasen̈or


Ministry of Education of Mexico City


Arne Carlson


UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning

 UNESCO and 2nd International Conference Learning Cities



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