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International Observatory on Smart City Learning

The website of the International Observatory on Smart City Learning is  now open. You can find a description of the problems addressed, of the vision and of the actions the Observatory intends to carry on.

Smart City Learning is a holistic theme the requires a multicultural  and interdisciplinary effort at global scale. You can either: a) contribute occasionally by suggesting or producing  relevant documents, reporting on interesting experiences and describing  local cultural perspectives; b) contribute substantially and  continuously to the development of the International Observatory and in  this case you can join its community by sending us your request of  membership (see the website - Docs page).

The International Observatory, up to now, has been joined by: € Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche - Consiglio Nazinale delle Ricerche  (ITD - CNR) € Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information -  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (LIRIS - CNRS) € Stockholm  University - Dept. of Computer and Systems Science € Universidad Carlos  III de Madrid - Instituto de Cultura y Tecnologia € Università per  Stranieri di Perugia - Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali €  University of Craiova € University of Patras - Electrical & Computer  Engineering Department - HCI € University of Rome Tor Vergata - Dept.  of Educational Science and Technologies

Reminder: on July 18 the workshop on "Smart City Learning: visions, practical  implementations and impact of glocalities" will be held in Beijing on  occasion of ICALT 2013

If you want to contribute to the success of the workshop, and more in  general, to establish Grand Challenges and investigate cultural issues  regarding the future of learning in and from Smart Cities and  Territories donate 10 minutes of your time to answer the Smart City &  Learning Questionnaire. Thanks in advance.

Further information: carlo.giovannella [at]


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