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Barry Golding's picture

The latest news from the UK Men's Sheds Association - on tour in Scotland 7-11 December!

Here is the latest news from the UK Men's Sheds Association. Amongst other things, on 7 December the Scottish Men's Sheds Association is to take to the roads of Scotland to meet Shedders and interested parties in Govan, Glasgow (7 Dec), Oban (8 Dec), Inverness (9 Dec) and Fife (11 Dec). Free tickets to book a place are available through the SMSA's website.


In-Kind donations

Giving World Online is an award-winning online platform that enables UK businesses to redistribute surplus stock to those in need. Aimed mainly at families in poverty Men’s Sheds are still welcome to register. Items provided cannot be sold or used for fundraising purposes and you will need to collect. There are no charges. Register at  

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State Pension top up scheme opens

Last month pensioners became eligible to top up their State Pension from £1 to £25 a week. Visit

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Scottish Tour

On the 7th December the Scottish Men's Sheds Association take to the roads of Scotland to meet Shedders and interested parties in Govan, Glasgow- 7th Dec, Oban- 8th, Inverness- 9th and Fife- 11th. Free tickets to book a place are available through the SMSA's website -  

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Weaving Hull's web

Another part of Hull’s outreach is their website which in the best we’ve seen for a recruiting Shed. See The simplicity of layout, colour and clear purpose all make it easy to use. Designs are more vertical now to allow for reading on phones. If you have other good examples please share them with us. The designers were

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Growing the Shed people want

Growing your group’s initial membership can be a problem. Publicity can inform people of your whereabouts but often its missed and anyway it takes a little nerve to go down some alley and open a door into a noisy workshop if you don’t know anyone there and are not sure what to expect. Whilst Hull Shed renovates its first home …

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Could your nickname be Wallace or Gromit?

You have until Dec 18th to put forward yourself or a Shed group to be part of a new BBC2 series called Britain’s Most Spectacular Backyard Builds. The programme is a celebration of Britain’s most passionate HOME inventors, makers, engineers, mechanics and general all round tinkerers who make and create inventions in their home garages, sheds, workshops and living rooms. …

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