Curriculum globALE - global framework curriculum for teaching and learning of adults.
Curriculum globALE was developed jointly by the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) and DVV International. In five modules, it describes the relevant skills needed to lead successful courses and provides guidance on their practical implementation. Curriculum globALE is aimed at educational institutions that offer training for continuing education. Curriculum globALE provides the framework for a globally uniform understanding of the tasks of trainers; it thus contributes to the strengthening of the Adult Education profession and serves the international exchange of experience.
The current curriculum is a first draft which is now being subjected to practical testing in various countries and institutions. More reports relating to the experiences of the users will be added over time. If you are interested in further information, Tania Czerwinski of DVV International, Susanne Lattke of DIE and Katarina Popovic of DVV International are looking forward to your email.
The Curriculum globALE is available in German, Spanish, Russian and Macedonian as well as English, as featured below:
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