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Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training in Europe

Subscribers may be interested in the note from Eurydice just received. The report - Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training in Europe - is featured below.

Concern for the young people we describe in the UK as being NEET – not in education, employment or training – resonates across Europe. A new report from Eurydice and Cedefop outlines how the EU member states are tackling ‘early leaving’ from education and training at national level including:

  • how early leaving from education and training is measured, defined and monitored
  • the factors which contribute to students leaving education and training early
  • the national strategies, policies and measures in place
  • the role of cross-sector co-operation
  • the role of careers education and guidance.

The study was undertaken in the context of the European Union’s EU2020 strategy which includes a target to reduce the proportion of ‘early leavers’ to ten per cent by 2020. 

Tackling_Early_Learning.pdf4.15 MB

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