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Mapping and Critical Synthesis of Current State-of-the-Art on Community Engagement in Higher Education

Subscribers may be interested in the attached publication by Paul Benneworth, Bojana Ćulum, Thomas Farnell, Frans Kaiser, Marco Seeber, Ninoslav Šćukanec, Hans Vossensteyn & Don Westerheijden, entitled, Mapping and Critical Synthesis of Current State-of-the-Art on Community Engagement in Higher Education.

It is an output from the project, Towards a European Framework for Community Engagement, part funded by the EU within the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3.

The rubric about the publication published at the project’s website states:

This publication defines the concept of community engagement in higher education and its role in contemporary debates about the role of higher education in the 21st century and maps international initiatives and projects that have attempted to develop frameworks for monitoring/measuring community engagement. The publication identifies the needs, gaps and opportunities for a European framework for community engagement of higher education.


Michael Osborne

Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning and Director of Research,
School of Education
University of Glasgow
Director of PASCAL Observatory
Associate Director and Co-I ESRC-funded Urban Big Data Centre


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