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Commonwealth Foundation: October 2017 Newsletter & Grants

Having just returned from the discussions of PASCAL's "Trends2017" Pretoria international conference, it was interesting to note a blog from the recent South African Development Community - Civil Society Forum.  Issues of collectivity and collaboration were again at the fore [see the Commonwealth Foundation: October 2017 Newsletter, also featured below and attached]. 

As we look at questions for the future and the transformation required through the identified "quadruple helix" we can realise the PASCAL "Pretoria Statement".  Also in this Foundation Newsletter is an article by Deputy Director-General Garcia on monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals for "people in the margins".  Inclusion is the key.  Grants are announced to support projects that strengthen a civic voice, please see the details published on the Commonwealth Foundation Grants Programme page on their website to meet the 3 January 2018 deadline.

Denise Reghenzani-Kearns PhD, PASCAL Associate.


commonwealth_foundation_october_2017_newsletter.pdf148.99 KB

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