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Glasgow Learning City Working Group

In building the Learning City in Glasgow, the city has established a Working Group, including representatives from Glasgow City Council, Higher and Further Education Institutions and the Third Sector. This ensures that all learning city stakeholders take a coordinated approach to promoting the learning city concept. Furthermore, the group coordinates the strategic process and policy dialogues toward an innovative and inclusive Learning City that supports lifelong learning opportunities for all the citizens of Glasgow. 

As part of the strategy to establish an effective, wide-ranging, and long-lasting system to keep track of the Learning City initiative, the city has embraced an inclusive approach to include all the different visions and voices of Glasgow. It aims to extend its network of local and international stakeholders wishing to participate in building the Learning City in the city. 

Much more about this work can be found at the newly established website for this work, where the influence of PASCAL's EcCoWell model is acknowledged.



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