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Meeting Todays Challenges for a Better World - topical coverage on Australian television

Some recent documentaries/investigative interviews on Australian television have particular relevance to the topics of interest to followers of the PASCAL LCN "Meeting Today's Challenges for a Better Future" network.

The Age of Consequences

Four Corners is Australia's per-eminent public broadcasting platform for investigative journalism. Their latest topic is "The Age of Consequences" where they look into the risk management and security issues around accelerating instability from climate change threats. Compelling viewing and reading, issues such as drought impacting food, water, hunger, poverty and resultant displacement of peoples demonstrates how resources, economies, environment and peace are challenged:

Smart City coverage on Lateline

Global Smart Cities rankings indicate Melbourne & Sydney, Australia, in the top echelon. Michelle Fitzgerald, Chief Digital Officer of Melbourne's initiatives was interviewed recently by "Lateline" in describing a smart city as one that is sustainable, prosperous and liveable, puts people first; using digital data and technology as enablers. 

Also on the "Lateline" program was Hila Oren, Tel Aviv (a leading innovation hub recognised worldwide), in Australia for Sydney's "Data Driven Design" City Talk.  Beyond the infrastructure, she advised tailor-made attention to the social elements of what residents really care about for. Her notion of "small communities" within a city was akin to the PASCAL PIE Learning Neighbourhoods project. 

Both interviews are available at:, and

Further information can be found the Australian Government's Smart Cities Plan for the nation:, and the 2017 Smart Cities Expo World Forum:

Denise Reghenzani-Kearns



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