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PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns.

Beijing community colleges have an important role in the development of the Beijing learning city, often in partnership with universities. This report by the Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences discusses the activities of two community colleges during the COVID19 pandemic: Beijing Agricultural Radio and Television School and Chaoyang Community College for Seniors. The activities of these colleges may be compared with the work of similar institutions in the Datong Taipei and Harlem New York reports. All point to the important role of community colleges, and similar cultural institutions in combating exclusion and building community.


beijing_community_colleges-eccowell.pdf202.5 KB

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