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Outcomes from Commonwealth Education Ministers Conference in Mauritius

Dear Colleagues

I am enclosing two documents for your perusal with respect to the recently concluded 18th Conference of Commonwealth education Ministers in Mauritius august 28-31, 2012.

First is an updated version of my address to the Stakeholder Forum entitled "Agenda for Civil Society: Crossing the Education Bridges in the Commonwealth"; the second is the Statement to Ministers arising out of the deliberations of the Forum.

Given your interest in matters of education in general, and EFA in particular, I would hope that you find these useful to advance your  contributions towards meaningful education in the Commonwealth countries in the future.

Best wishes

Rajesh Tandon

President | PRIA
42 Tughlakabad Institutional Area | New Delhi-110062
Telephone: 91-11-29960931/32/33 | Fax: 91-11-29955183

CCEM_Paper-Agenda_for_Actions_by_Civil_Society.pdf330.41 KB
Stakeholders_Statement_to_18CCEM.pdf390.04 KB

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