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PASCAL on social media

You may be interested to know about the latest activity on PASCAL social media.

PASCAL's Facebook page continues to attract new followers - 78 people have liked the page in the last 3 weeks.  Welcome all. in the week to 1st July, the page reached 1.1k people, who had 62 'engagements' with posts on the page.

On Twitter, PASCAL now has over 3450 followers. PASCAL tweets had 32.5k impressions in the last 28 days. In that period the top tweet attracted 3.3k impressions and 33 engagements.

PASCAL's paper #learningcities weekly is published every Wednesday.

You will find PASCAL on Facebook .

On Twitter find PASCAL at @obspascal

#learningcities weekly is at .

John Tibbitt



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