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Strengthening the employment outcomes of adult and community education in rural Western Victoria, Australia

This research, entitled "Decent Training for Decent Work", commissioned by the Grampians Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Regional Council, Department of Education and Training (DET) in Victoria, Australia, investigates the issues impacting on achieving strong employment outcomes for the most disadvantaged learners in rural locations. It reports on the findings and also makes recommendations for actions to support Learn Local Organisations (LLOs) located in regional and rural areas to strengthen the connections between LLOs and industry in order to ensure that they are able to support the most vulnerable learners in their communities.


A report and video on the outcomes of the project were presented to the ACFE Board and as a result of this and other research significant additional resources have now been allocated to the adult education sector in Victoria.

The full report is featured below and this, together with the Literature Review, is attached.

The Video (produced by Mark Wardle, Ginkgo Media is at: or may be viewed here:



decent_training_for_decent_work_-_full_report.pdf3.11 MB
decent_training_for_decent_work_-_literature_review.pdf1.37 MB

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