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Indigenous content should be mandatory across all Canadian universities

PASCAL subscribers may be interested in this item summarised from the Toronto Globe and Mail from University of Winnipeg, President Annette Trimbee and Vice-President of Indigenous Affairs, Wab Kinew:

The article notes that University of Winnipeg and Lakehead University have already instituted mandatory indigenous content, but calls upon all of Canada’s other universities to do the same. The article’s authors insist that any institute proposing to deliver higher learning must fulfill the ethical demands of living and working within Canada. They argue that, “whether or not you have Indigenous blood, if you live in this country, at least a part of your identity is Indigenous. It is time that every Canadian recognizes that – first, because it is the truth; and second, because denying Canada’s Indigenous character is partly responsible for the continued inequities faced by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people. For more information go this link at the Globe and Mail.



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