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Peter Kearns's blog

Shanghai Forum on Lifelong Education

The Shanghai Municipal Institute for Lifelong Education (SMILE) in partnership with the National Center for Educational Development and Research and the National Center for Community Education Research and Development is convening a Shanghai Forum on Lifelong Education in Shanghai on 15 November immediately prior to the EU Centre/PASCAL Hong Kong Conference on 18-20 November. SMILE links the East China Normal University and Shanghai City Council in the development of the Shanghai Learning City initiative.

Shanghai Forum on Lifelong Education, November 15, 2013

Please find featured below and attached for download, a paper on planning for the Shanghai Forum on Lifelong Education which will be held on 15 November immediately before the Hong Kong conference. Denise and I will participate and are preparing papers. The Forum is more ambitious than I expected and is now seen as “a permanent and international summit forum on lifelong education and learning city” and so is something we should take into account in any PASCAL activity in the learning city area beyond 2014.

Glasgow as a Learning City Past and Present

Lynette Jordan and Stephane Young have produced a very useful paper on Glasgow as a learning city past and present. This paper supplements an earlier paper by Lynette and Robert Campbell which provided an overview of the United Kingdom experience with learning cities and which included comment on the apparent decline in UK learning cities from a high point in the late 1990s.

Cork innovates again

The city of Cork has again shown its capacity for innovation by being the first city in Ireland to establish a Food Policy Council. This initiative is being linked to EcCoWell development in Cork, and will have cross representation between the EcCoWell planning group and the new Food Policy Council.

PASCAL Welcomes Galway to PIE

PASCAL welcomes Galway as the third Irish city to become a participant in the PIE exchanges of information and experience, joining Cork and Limerick. The Galway stimulus paper written by Evelyn Fanning, has a focus on Galway’s development as a WHO Healthy City.

PIE Futures - Towards a Vision for Learning Cities 2020

This paper has been prepared to encourage discussion of future directions for the PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE) project beyond the PASCAL Cities Learning Together Conference in Hong Kong in November 2013. A set of eight possible objectives for the future are discussed in the paper.

Cities Learning Together: the PIE Experience

This paper draws on insights from the stimulus papers prepared for cities participating in the PASCAL International Exchanges that relate to the main themes of the PASCAL Cities Learning Together Hong Kong conference.

EcCoWell - Living and Learning in Sustainable Opportunity Cities

This paper has been prepared for the PASCAL Cities Learning Together Hong Kong conference in November 2013 to provide a short summary of the work undertaken under its PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE) project, to encourage more holistic and integrated approaches to building sustainable learning cities able to respond in a proactive way to the many challenges confronting cities.

New York: A City of Neighbourhoods

A PIE stimulus paper on New York, "A City of Neighbourhoods" is now available on the PIE web site. The paper was written by Peter Kearns, the Co-director of PIE, based on research and discussions during a visit to New York in April to stay with family who live in one of the historic neighbourhoods of New York.

New York Stimulus Paper

It is often said that New York is a city of neighbourhoods. While this reflects the history of New York development in absorbing waves of immigrants coupled with the footprint of New York’s socio-economic development, much has been done in recent years to preserve and enhance the identity of New York neighbourhoods, and to resolve conflicts between development imperatives and the preservation of heritage and identity.


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