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PASCAL Library Index

The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

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Title Postedsort icon
CRMW Newsletter February - March 2008 Feb 09 2008
CRMW Newsletter February - March 2008 Feb 09 2008
Promoting Active Citizenship in Europe - The Role of University Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Feb 08 2008
Promoting Active Citizenship in Europe - The Role of University Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Feb 08 2008
Widening Participation Research Centre: Exploring Learning Trajectories Feb 08 2008
Widening Participation Research Centre: Exploring Learning Trajectories Feb 08 2008
Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference - Regions: The Dilemmas of Integration and Competition Feb 08 2008
Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference - Regions: The Dilemmas of Integration and Competition Feb 08 2008
5th International Lifelong Learning Conference - Reflecting on Successes and Framing Futures (Queensland, Australia) Feb 02 2008
5th International Lifelong Learning Conference - Reflecting on Successes and Framing Futures (Queensland, Australia) Feb 02 2008
Exploring Learning Trajectories (Lancashire, United Kingdom) Feb 02 2008
Exploring Learning Trajectories (Lancashire, United Kingdom) Feb 02 2008
Future Manifestations of the Old: Exploring the Potential of Radio Learning in Building Social Capital in Malawi Jan 19 2008
Future Manifestations of the Old: Exploring the Potential of Radio Learning in Building Social Capital in Malawi Jan 19 2008
A Call for Action in Favour of the Right to Education for All as a Universal Human Right during the World Social Forum Global Day of Action (26 January 2008) Jan 16 2008


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