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PASCAL Library

The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

PASCAL Briefing Paper 12 - The coming revolution in Public Services: What it means for Cities and Universities - Josef Konvitz

We are pleased to publish the lastest of our Briefing Paper. This paper bt Chaor of the PASCAL Board, Professor Josef Konvitz, is entitled, The coming revolution in Public Services: What it means for Cities and Universities. Below is an Executive Summary.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 11 - Big Data, Lifelong Learning and Learning Cities: Promoting city-discourse on social inequalities in learning

*** KOREAN translation now available ***

The 11th Briefing Paper from PASCAL is now available in English, Korean and simplified Mandarin. It concerns the topic of Big Data and its relationship with learning cities and is written by Catherine Lido, Kate Reid and Mike Osborne from the PASCAL Centre for Europe in Glasgow.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 10 - Developing holistic and integrated learning cities: Health and EcCoWell

PASCAL developed the EcCoWell concept in 2012 as an approach to holistic and integrated development in learning cities. Whilst the concept integrates environment, health and well-being, economy, and community with lifelong learning, the core of EcCoWell development up to now has focussed on the integration of health, learning, and environment with community building. The cities of Cork and Taipei have been leaders in applying EcCoWell concepts in their development.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 9 - Learning Initiatives to Connect the Urban and Rural

Strengthening rural-urban interdependence is fundamental to reducing regional disparities, enhancing environmental quality, and maintaining national integrity and social cohesion.

This PASCAL Policy Briefing discusses the vital role cities and universities have to play in developing and promoting learning initiatives.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 6 - Benefiting from transnational experience; migration and the role of lifelong learning

This briefing highlights some emerging issues faced by migrants, and cities and regions in relation to lifelong learning policy and practice, particularly in the UK context.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 4 - Learning Cities: Strategies for promoting inclusion

This paper provides an overview of some of the insights and lessons derived from exchanges between cities in many parts of the world which participated in the PASCAL International Exchanges programme (PIE) over the past 4 years, as cities faced the challenge of finding new ways in which their learning city strategies can contribute to inclusion objectives.


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