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Free PASCAL 17th Annual Learning Cities Conference Webinars

Please join us online for our free international and interdisciplinary webinar panels for the PASCAL 17th Annual Learning Cities Conference. These webinars cover specific panels on Sustainable Communities and AI & Technology for New Challenges for Higher Education, Cities and Regions: Addressing SDGs in Changing Contexts. 

They are co-organised by Urban Big Data Centre and the PASCAL International Observatory hub in the School of Education, University of Glasgow.

Sustainable Communities for Learning City Transformation & Inclusion, 4th July 8:30AM (GMT)

 AI & Technology for Learning City Transformation & Inclusion, 5th July 8:30AM (GMT)

The in person conference will take place on from 4-6 July 2024,  hosted by the University of Taipei, Taiwan University of Education and Datong Community College of Taipei City, details can be found here.

For further details, please contact [email protected]



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