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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

PIMA Bulletin 22

The PIMA Bulletin Number 22 for January 2019 can now be read in full below.

The crisis in Western democracy was an early attempt in PASCAL via the OTB (thinking outside the box) Observatory website facility, to promote discussion of the way that assaults on democracy (not only ‘western’) might be confronted. What is the response that lifelong learning (LLL) and its encompassing moral and political values might have to offer in reviving active democratic practice?

The City of Melton Collective Impact Assessment Tool (CIAT)

The Collective Impact Assessment Tool (CIAT) is designed to measure how well partnerships deliver on Project or Learning City activities in order to assess Collective Impact.

PASCAL - EMA join forces in Östersund, Sweden to explore the relationship between culture, heritage, museums and the wider engagement with new groups

The Spring conference of the European Museum Academy (EMA) took place at the JAMTLI Foundation, Östersund, Sweden from 6-8 February 2019.

The conference also hosted the Kenneth Hudson Seminar, a joint PASCAL - EMA initiative. The theme of the seminar was on cultural policy and literacy development and represent a follow on from an earlier seminar held in Aarhus, Denmark in September 2018.

The Senior Citizens Heritage Learning Initiative

Museums are traditionally characterised by their way of working and not by their purpose. The public are not surprised that museums in general collect, preserve and display traces of art and history. The way museums produce is however not the same as the aim or purpose of museums. The role of museums in their community - local, national or even global - may differ but the museums way of working somehow supports or stimulate the aims and as always easiest to understand on some years distance. 

Literacy, Equality and Creativity: a university-community engagement to promote peace & reconciliation

This article  illustrates how a university-community partnership incorporated creative, non-text based approached in to adult literacy work to contribute to the efforts of creating greater equality and peacebuilding in Northern Ireland. The university-community partnership, known as the Literacy and Equality in Irish Society project (LEIS), was based on the fundamental belief that low levels of literacy amongst adults was one factor contributing to inequalities and violence in Irish society and therefore, literacy practice had to be re-contextualised within an equality and peace building agenda.

APPLY NOW: Capacity Development Acceleration Fund for Sustainable Cities and Neighbourhoods - deadline 31 March, 2019

Are you interested an early career research interested in learning more about sustainable cities and neighbourhoods?

The GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC) is pleased to launch a new fund, which aims to strengthen capacity of early career researchers to understand and address global challenges in fast-growing cities in developing countries.


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