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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

ALCN Ripples - August 2023

This ALCN newsletter features Adult Learners Week, Wyndham and Melton Learning Festivals and several online webinars - lifelong learning for work and life; stories from UNESCO learning cities in Australia and Thailand, and reflections on community engagement.  

Enjoy reading and please send me more of your incredible stories of hope to share with others.

With my best wishes.

NEP-SOC 2023-08-28, nine papers

In this issue we feature 9 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

NEP-SOC 2023-08-21, eight papers

In this issue we feature 8 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

Urban Working-and-Middle Class Interests in Electricity Regulation | The Urban Lens Newsletter

Electricity prices can have a momentous effect on people throughout all walks of urban life.  The price of electricity impacts the affordability of homes and modes of transportation, levels of energy consumption, economic activity, quality of life, and eco-systemic health.

PIMA Climate Justice Education Teach-In Series

The world as we know it is not sustainable. To change these realities, we need to dig deep to the very roots of Western thinking – this is a big story of alternative worldmaking at every level. This includes how we live, work, produce and distribute food, water, and energy.

Putting traffic in its place: time for a new culture of transportation | Policies for Places

So the UK Prime Minister has declared he is ‘on the side of the motorist’ in the aftermath of a parliamentary byelection in which the imposition of an extended ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ) was a major issue.  Other attempts at controlling traffic movement in towns and cities in the UK through measures such as low traffic zones (LTZs) or controlled parking zones (CPZs) are also meeting opposition, and are being postponed (as in Oxford, Bristol and elsewhere) or abandoned. All this, when the social, environmental and health benefits of lower traffic seem clear, and popular support for environmental action remains firm.


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