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PASCAL Library

The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

5 Days Left to Catch the Placemaking | Placemaking Round-Up

This round-up from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.

Should U.S. Cities and Urban Regions Have Their Own Economic Development Strategies? Part Two: The Question of Costs and Benefits - The Urban Lens Newsletter

Bob Gleeson started this thread of discussion last week and plans to continue building his line of thought soon.  While his discussion takes a broad, strategic look at this question, my own answer is more pragmatic: “Yes, they should.”  But the costs and benefits of each should be carefully, openly and honestly evaluated on a case by case basis.

Wyndham News - July 2023 Edition

 We are pleased to share with you the July Edition of Wyndham News, featured below in full and attached for download.

Report on the first Apprendi Festival - Verona, June 10, 2023

The first Apprendi Festival, a festival on lifelong learning in the province of Verona, was held on June 10, 2023. The event, conceived by Virginia Nocca, a 23-year-old masterstudent in Education from Padua University, together with her father Gino, was held in the village of Fumane (in the Verona province), surrounded by the Valpolicella hills famous for the production of Amarone wine.

In Memoriam - Chris Duke

It is with great sadness that we report of the death of one of the leading lights of adult education of the 20th and 21st century, Professor Chris Duke. Chris, amongst many other positions was a visiting professor at the University of Glasgow, and made extensive practical and conceptual contributions to PASCAL over the past two decades.

Farewell, Chris Duke - ASPBAE Secretary General (1972-1985)

ASPBAE and the adult education movement has lost another one of its own. On 22 June 2023, Dr. Chris Duke, former ASPBAE Secretary General (1972-1985) passed on.

Chris Duke was a towering figure in the adult education movement. A significant part of what ASPBAE has accomplished and reached today is built on Chris' vision and exemplary work. ASPBAE owes him a huge debt of gratitude.


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