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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

Cedefop Newsletter no. 39 - February 2014

Experts from international organisations including ILO, Unesco, Unitar, the World Bank and universities, as well as country delegates, met at the 2nd Cedefop/OECD Green skills forum in Paris, on 14 February, to discuss how environmental policies can successfully be implemented in combination with policies for job creation and social inclusion.

UNESCO - Report of the Beijing Conference on Learning Cities

I am very pleased to inform you that we have finalised the Conference Report of the Beijing Conference on Learning Cities (please find attached) I hope you will enjoy reading the report and take it as a reference for your constant efforts in promoting lifelong learning and building learning cities in the international community.

Closing the Engagement Gap - A policy briefing from PASCAL International Observatory

Research from PASCAL International Observatory highlights the often uncertain relationship between cities and regions and the higher education institutions (HEIs) located within their regions.  As debates about the role and responsibilities of Universities continue in many countries,   PASCAL’s  international study of universities’ regional engagement (PURE) reveals both a desire on the part of regional authorities in many parts of the world to engage with HEIs, but also an uncertainty about how to develop a successful and sustainable relationship with the higher education sector. For a full report of the study see Duke, Osborne and Wilson (2013).

Atlantic Cities implementing EU2020 on the ground

The competition to choose the Atlantic City of the Year 2015 has been opened for two months and CAAC Secretariat has received several questions from interested cities that can help foreseen candidates in the drafting of their proposals...

Illinois Creative Economy Initiative

In March 2013, Governor Pat Quinn announced the launch of the Illinois Creative Economy Initiative to be led by Arts Alliance Illinois. To help guide this work, a Creative Economy Roundtable was formed and is charged with advising on how Illinois can leverage its creative assets to grow jobs, strengthen the workforce, and build more vibrant communities.

Call for Contributions - Lifelong Learning Universities and the European Policies on Social Investment

EUCEN's next conference will offer participants an opportunity to debate with international experts key policy issues related to the way Lifelong Learning Universities and the European Policies understand and address "Social Investment" through four topics:


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