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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - January 2013

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates, and which is a co-signatory to the September 23 2010 Communique "Enhancing North-South Cooperation in Community-University Engagement".

Papers in English or Spanish due May 1 for journal special issue on Knowledge Democracy & Action Research

We thought you would be interested in this posting that went out on the Community-Based Participatory Research Listserv, Community-Engaged Scholarship Listserv and our main twitter feed today. To subscribe to any of our listserv or twitter feeds, visit

Call for Papers in English or Spanish due May 1, 2013

Action Research Journal Special Issue on Knowledge Democracy and Action Research

Paper submission deadline: 1st of May, 2013

The MASON Barcelona Symposium: Promoting Place-Based Lifelong Learning Strategies in the EU

The MASON team invites to the Barcelona Symposium lifelong learning policy planners and implementers at national, regional and local levels, as well as experts and the research community in the field of LLL.

Participation is free of charge but early booking is required because of limited places. For booking arrangements and more information about the MASON Barcelona Symposium (25th of January 2013) please contact Karina Olmedo Casas at [email protected] (+34-934031338, +34-638224611) or Dr Mario Barajas at [email protected] (+34-934037223).

Learning Opportunities for Older Adults: Forms, Providers & Policies

Please find below and attached the first call for papers for the 2013 conference of the ESREA research network on education and learning of older adults 23-25 October, 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania. 

Best wishes,

Andreas Fejes

GUNi extends the deadline for the presentation of good practices for the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

The new deadline is now 31 January 2013

In order to participate in the call, it is not mandatory to pay the registration fee beforehand. Therefore, we encourage you to present your proposals as early as possible so the Scientific Committee can evaluate them with enough time for you to complete the registration process.

We count on your contributions!

GUNi team

EU research result - Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion

A Roadmap for Action on Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion in Europe

A Report of the Study:

Exploring the Potential Impact of Digital Games for Empowerment of Groups at Risk of Social and Economic Exclusion: Opportunities, Challenges and Possible Actions: Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (DGEI)

The paper includes strong action recommendations for European policy and funding.


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