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PASCAL Library

The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

ESRC Knowledge Exchange Schemes- Call for Applications

A call for applications to the following schemes was opened on the 5 November 2010:

Cultural and creative industries in the PURE project

A presentation, entitled Cultural and creative industries in the PURE project was presented on behalf of the PURE project by Dr Muir Houston as part of a roundtable at the Joint Conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture and Compostela Group of Universities entitled  'Inclusion through Education and Culture', held at the University of Pécs on 14-15 October 2010. We can assure you that Dr Houston is in the photograph!

EUROlocal moves into top gear...

The EUROlocal project, part-funded through the EC Lifelong Learning Programme and driven by the key partners – PASCAL, University of Glasgow, LRD, University of Pecs, CSEI and SVEB – has moved into top gear with a major upgrade to its core website and the publication of interim progress reports. 

Featured here is a factsheet providing a summary of activity; more details will follow and be available through the EUROlocal project section and the main PASCAL Library.

Global Community University Networks - Call for Increased North-­South Cooperation - Swedish

Swedish language verion of a brief report on our Big Tent global audio-video conversation.

Global Community University Networks - Call for Increased North-­South Cooperation

A brief report on our Big Tent global audio-video conversation.  Please post this on your web-sites and distribute as appropriate. Thanks to Nirmala Lall  from GACER and Alison Peacock from the Institute of Education for their work on this. Thanks to all of you again for making this first experiment so productive.

New Book from NIACE - The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities

Pat Inman and Hans Schuetze have just had a new title released through NIACE - The Community Engagement and Service Mission of Universities:


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