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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

Streets, publicness and the public realm | JOHN TIBBITT from Policies for Places

The City of Edinburgh has just announced the beginning of a 3-month consultation on its new transportation plan to help the city achieve its zero-carbon target by 2030. The transport convenor hopes the consultation will reach every ‘nook and cranny’ of the city to hear people’s views and further refine the proposals. The city is one of the most congested in the UK. It also has a fast-growing population with land set aside for an additional 37000 homes. If current transportation patterns continue mobility problems for residents, businesses and visitors can only get worse.

Impact – Playing the Long Game | Briefing Paper 21, published in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Adult and Lifelong Learning, University of Glasgow

The impact of research has been growing ever more important not only in its own right, but as a factor that feeds into funding decisions at both institutional and individual levels. We are therefore pleased to present a Working Paper written by the Director of PASCAL and CR&DALL, Professor Mike Osborne, in which he assesses the cumulative impact of research that assesses the cumulative effect of research that has systematically measured, mapped and analysed learning provision at urban/regional level, contributing internationally to developing learning cities over decades.

Thinking About the Big Picture: Cities and Evolutionary Waves of Economic Growth

The cold dreary days of January in Northeast Ohio are a good time to think about big ideas.  There is something about being cooped up inside that leads me to favor long-term thinking.

In addition, the start of a new calendar year usually motivates elected officials, businesses, and other social organizations to describe their future plans.  This is especially true at the start of a Presidential election year.

NEP-SOC 2024-01-29, seven papers

In this issue we feature 7 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

New book "Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives" in honour of Professor Lalage Bown

A new book "Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives" was published just before Xmas 2023 in honour of the adult educator par excellence, Professor Lalage Bown, who died just over two years ago. Edited by Maria Slowey, Heribert Hinzen, Michael Omolewa and myself, it contains contributions from many esteemed adult educators, many from the core CR&DALL team and others beyond, particularly those with connections to Africa.

Managing the 24-hour City: Re-thinking the Relationship between Night and Day | JOHN TIBBITT from Policies for Places

I noticed recently that Barcelona has just appointed a night-time mayor to oversee and co-ordinate city activities to support its growing night-time economy, seen as vital to the quality of life and prosperity of the city. They are not the first to create such a post. Amsterdam pioneered a Night Mayor in 2012, Paris has a Night Council to link with governance structures and stakeholders.


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