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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

Helix: Cooperation in Regions - Reception in Brussels October 8

PASCAL is delighted to be accepting an invitation to join our PURE partners, Region Värmland & Karlstad University to exchange experiences on how collaboration and interaction between regions, universities and businesses work and how smart specialisation can contribute to regional growth.  The key question is where do we find best practice and how can we learn from each other?

EcCoWell Cork

PASCAL was delighted to be able to support Cities for the Future - Learning from the Global to the Local, an EcCoWell event organised by the City of Cork Council on 26 and 27 September 2013. The event with some 260 people registered was opened by the Lord Mayor, Cllr. Catherine Clancy, and there followed an introduction to EcCoWell by Denise Cahill, Healthy Cities Cork Co-ordinator. 

Entrepreneurship Education Is Paramount To Combat Youth Unemployment

In the wake of the global economic downtown trends have emerged that are threatening the future workforce. There are 75 million who are currently unemployed and more than 200 million youth who are earning less than $US2 per day. Yet 1/3 of businesses are still unable to fill vacancies due to skills gap. Therefore educational systems are not preparing young people properly to enter the labor market.

Bielefeld follows up on Learning Report

Bielefeld, one of the cities participating in PIE, has been innovative in commissioning a Learning Report for the city prepared by the Bertelsmann Foundation and SOFI (Gottingen University) that adapted methodology derived by the Bertelsmann Foundation from the Canadian Composite Learning Index of the Canadian Council on Learning. This was used in the 2010 European Lifelong Learning Indicators (ELLI) report by the Foundation.

A new initiative focuses on practical training for youth

Cedefop has been invited to provide practical support to a new European initiative intended the help young people integrate more easily into the labour market. The initiative, which focuses on apprenticeship-type, work-based learning, was launched on 11 December 2012 in Berlin. Germany and six other Member States have signed Memoranda defining the scope and objectives of future collaboration.

U21 Lifelong Learning & Research Workshop at the University of Glasgow 14-15 May 2012 - Workshop Report

The universities of Glasgow and Auckland jointly chaired this workshop, entitled ‘Lifelong Learning driving universities’ ambitions? Dare we? Can we? Let’s!’ Its purpose was to:


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