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U21 Lifelong Learning & Research Workshop at the University of Glasgow 14-15 May 2012 - Workshop Report

The universities of Glasgow and Auckland jointly chaired this workshop, entitled ‘Lifelong Learning driving universities’ ambitions? Dare we? Can we? Let’s!’ Its purpose was to:

  • žcreate opportunities for academics and professionals in this field to come together and reflect on lifelong learning practice, building new connections across institutions
  • continue discussions from the U21 AGM at Lund University and the President’s Symposium, around the need for universities to recognise their contribution and responsibility to the regions in which they are located.

50 delegates from seven U21 universities and other invited institutions attended. U21 participating institutions were: Auckland, Glasgow, UBC, UCD, Tec de Monterrey, Nottingham and Queensland.

A report on the event is featured below and attached for downloading:

U21_Universities_and_their_Regions-Workshop_Report_2012.pdf138.45 KB

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