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PASCAL Library

The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - Digest, Vol 82, Issue 3

In this issue we feature 6 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

Making New Cities Out of Old -

As several catastrophes hit Mexico, the United States and the Caribbean, Josef Konvitz writes about why it is so difficult to introduce major changes in cities undergoing reconstruction.  The following article appeared in the September issue of the Greenfield Cities Alliance Newsletter produced by the New Cities Foundation. The Alliance is well-represented in Africa, where the issues raised by this article are especially relevant.  

Congratulations to UNESCO Learning City Awards Recipients

PASCAL International Observatory congratulates sixteen cities on receiving a Learning City Award at the Third International Conference on Learning Cities, held in Cork, Ireland from 18-20 September.

The UNESCO Learning City Awards have been established to encourage and reward progress in developing learning cities around the world. UNESCO Institute of Lifelong learning stated that the following cities have made outstanding progress in implementing the Key Features of Learning Cities:

Weekly Placemaking Round-Up | September 18 - 24, 2017 - Project for Public Spaces

Here is the latest issue this new weekly roundup of news, ideas, opportunities, and more - a curated list of content for placemakers by placemakers - from the Project for Public Spaces.

UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) Newsletter Vol. 4, No. 2: May to August 2017

We are pleased to share the second issue of our newsletter for 2017.

Building a learning city is a collective and continuous journey. Amid various challenges, local governments are in the frontline of implementing education and lifelong learning, as well as achieving sustainable development for their communities.

British Academy-funded Cities & Infrastructure research in Glasgow

The British Academy has just announced the successful applicants to its new Cities & Infrastructure research funding programme, and we are pleased to announce that one of these projects is being led from the University of Glasgow with Professor Michael Osborne, Director of PASCAL, as the Principal Investigator, and Dr Muir Houston, Dr Lavinia Hirsu, Dr Kasia Borokowska and Dr Neil Burnside all as co-investigators.


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